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Ringgold High School football game postponed

Ringgold High School football game postponed
Ringgold High School football game postponed


This week's Ringgold High School football game has been postponed, the school district says, citing “alleged incidents of misconduct” involving team members. The Rams were scheduled to play Thomas Jefferson at home on Friday night. According to a statement on the website, the Ringgold School District was notified of the incidents on Thursday. Given the serious nature of the alleged incidents involving members of the football team, the district has made the difficult decision to postpone the football game on October 11, 2024. We continue to gather information and will take all appropriate steps to address it. accusations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in addressing this matter, according to the statement from Superintendent Randall Skrinjorvich. As students protested and chanted, “Keep our coaches,” several player-parents described the alleged misconduct to Pittsburgh's Action News 4 as horseplay Thursday evening. It's horseplay. They're boys being boys. Yes, we may find it disgusting as adults, but boys are just boys. …It wasn't hazing. It was a lot of fun, Nicole Collazo said. Parents said a video of the alleged lewd conduct was shared via Snapchat. The problem is that they posted it on their team Snap. They didn't put it in a major public place. They put it on their team Snap and someone got a hold of it and reported it and this is where we are now, parent Daria Homa said. Parents said they feared coaches could lose their jobs or the season could be ended. They have three games left. They definitely canceled tomorrow's game, but next weekend is our homecoming and the next game after that is the senior game. You don't just influence the football players. “Don't forget, we have cheerleaders and we have band members,” Homa said. The superintendent addressed the parents after the meeting. There is no official action at all tonight and the coaches are their coaches, Skrinjorich said. Skrinjorich declined to share further details about the alleged misconduct. He said he hopes to have more information for parents by Monday. The explanation is the explanation there is, Skrinjorich said. WPIAL Chief Operating Officer Vince Sortino said the Ringgold School District contacted him about the postponement. I told them that postponement is allowed. the situation they are dealing with. For now, it is postponed rather than forfeited. If the match can be made up, it will happen in the next three weeks. If it's not made up, we'll deal with it at the end of the season, Sortino said. This is a developing story. Stay with Pittsburgh's Action News 4 for updates. Download the WTAE app to stay up to date with the latest news. Sign up for our email newsletters and receive the latest news in your inbox.

This week's football game at Ringgold High School has been postponed, the school district says, citing “alleged incidents of misconduct” involving team members.

The Rams were scheduled to play Thomas Jefferson at home on Friday night.

According to a statement on its websitethe Ringgold School District was notified of the incidents Thursday.

Given the serious nature of the alleged incidents involving members of the football team, the district has made the difficult decision to postpone the football game on October 11, 2024. We continue to gather information and will take all appropriate steps to address it. accusations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in addressing this matter, according to the statement from Superintendent Randall Skrinjorvich.

As students protested and chanted, “Keep our coaches,” the parents of several players Thursday night described the alleged misconduct to Pittsburgh's Action News 4 as horseplay.

It's horseplay. They're boys being boys. Yes, we may find it disgusting as adults, but boys are just boys. …It wasn't hazing. It was a lot of fun, Nicole Collazo said.

Parents said a video of the alleged lewd conduct was shared via Snapchat.

The problem is they posted it on their team Snap. They didn't put it in a major public place. They put it on their team's Snap, and someone got a hold of it and reported it and this is where we are, parent Daria Homa said.

Parents said they feared coaches could lose their jobs or the season could be ended.

They have three games left. They definitely canceled tomorrow's game, but next weekend is our homecoming and the next game after that is the senior game. You don't just influence the football players. “Don't forget, we have cheerleaders and we have band members,” Homa said.

After the meeting, the director addressed the parents.

There is no official action at all tonight and the coaches are their coaches, Skrinjorich said.

Skrinjorich declined to share further details about the alleged misconduct. He hopes to have more information for parents on Monday.

The explanation is the explanation there is, Skrinjorich said.

WPIAL chief operating officer Vince Sortino said the Ringgold School District contacted him about the postponement.

I told them that postponement is allowed because of the situation they are facing. For now, it is postponed rather than forfeited. If the match can be made up, it will happen in the next three weeks. If it is not made right, we will deal with it at the end of the season, Sortino said.

This is a development story. Stay with Pittsburgh's Action News 4 for updates.

Download the WTAE app to stay informed of the latest news. Sign up for our email newsletters to receive the latest news in your inbox.




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