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Working with entrepreneur and athlete Fatmah Abdulhusain

Working with entrepreneur and athlete Fatmah Abdulhusain
Working with entrepreneur and athlete Fatmah Abdulhusain


Initially gaining traction with the Ramadan kaftan capsules – which remain bestsellers – the line has now expanded to include everyday pieces with year-round appeal. “Personally, I like our summer collection [the most] as I feel it reflects me in some way. I am such a summer girl and love wearing summer clothes,” says Abdulhusain, explaining that she does not limit herself to a single theme from one season to the next. “I always have new ideas and when something comes to mind, I try to add it to the collection if it fits.” The organization of her workspace is invariably linked to the status of each collection as it evolves: the further along the creative is in developing her designs, the more cluttered her environment becomes as she becomes enthralled with selecting fabrics and putting together looks. The minimalist decor of her surroundings is thus very intentional, helping Abdulhusain stay focused amid the chaos. However, a good soundtrack is necessary to boost productivity: “To work, the music has to be on all the time,” she says, preferring R&B, soul and old-school songs. She also takes advantage of being outdoors, especially by the ocean. “Being on the beach helps me think clearly and I always come up with so many designs,” she says. Her exposure to other cultures and clothing styles abroad also influences her craft.

Fatmah Abdulhussein

Photo: Courtesy of Nadia Al Hajeri

This inspiration meeting is the kick-off of the Fabia creation process, which then culminates in sketching concepts and plotting everything on a mood board. The materials and color schemes are then chosen so that a small team of tailors, also based in Kuwait, have everything they need to turn Abdulhusain's vision into reality. Once the samples are ready a week later, she tries out the items herself and makes adjustments as necessary before finalizing her designs and starting production rollout.

Fabie pieces have been spotted on socialites such as Yalda Golsharifi, Nadya Hasan, Tala Samman and Eleen Suliman, to name a few. They are mainly sold on the brand's website, but are also available at Galeries Lafayette in Qatar and at the Harvey Nichols Ramadan Caravan and the annual Cactus District pop-up, both in Saudi Arabia. “Generally, Saudis love my designs and I mainly sell them [there]”, emphasizes Abdulhusain. In the future, she hopes to expand across the region and then around the world, seeing her designs in many more department stores, while staying true to her signature approach. “We will continue to do our best to be different from other brands and maintain our authenticity, just as we have always been.”
Originally published in the October issue of Vogue Arabia




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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