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Four goals in Third Doom send Clarkson to a 5-2 loss to Notre Dame

Four goals in Third Doom send Clarkson to a 5-2 loss to Notre Dame
Four goals in Third Doom send Clarkson to a 5-2 loss to Notre Dame


Potsdam, NY A four-goal burst in the third period turned a lead into a loss for the Clarkson University men's hockey team as the Golden Knights suffered a 5-2 loss to 20th-ranked Notre Dame on Saturday night at Cheel Arena.

The Golden Knights saw their mark for the 2024-2025 season even at 2-2 overall, while the Fighting Irish improved to 2-0. Clarkson will be on the road next weekend for one game in Burlington, facing the University of Vermont on Saturday.

Clarkson scored twice early on, helping break down the Golden Knights' defense, which was busy blocking shots and otherwise making the Notre Dame offense difficult. The Knights got on the board early, taking possession from the left corner in their own defensive net. After a rink-wide pass near center, the ice was checked by Ryan Richardsonthe captain skated in and was tipped with a shot, but the Knights regained possession. From there, the puck found its way behind the net and a quick pass was found in front Jared Mangan missing between the bottom of the left circle and the crease as he made a pass at 3:50 to make it 1-0.

Notre Dame has a strong push in the middle minutes of the frame, but Ethan Langenegger was up to the task, allowing the Knights to maintain their lead. It would go to 2-0 after matching penalties at 17:23 created a 4-on-4 situation. Ty Brassington sent a long pass to Ryan Richardson on the left side and he took one shot that was stopped and almost kicked it in with his skate. Fortunately, the attempt went off the post, straight into the guard stick Tristan Sarslandwho put away the loose puck at 6:39.

The second period was relatively quiet offensively, although both teams had many shots on target. However, only Notre Dame would take advantage, scoring on the power play very late in the frame. After Clarkson cleared the zone, Notre Dame regained possession and made an oddball appearance, being on the short end numbers-wise on a 2-on-3. That didn't prove to be a problem for Cole Knuble, who skated in and passed the puck to Justin Janicke. The puck bounced off skates and sticks and found its way back to Knuble's stick in the slot, who lifted the puck over Langenegger with just 21.1 seconds left in the frame.

The Fighting Irish used that momentum to tie the score early in the third. A turnover behind Clarkson's net allowed Notre Dame to get a few shots off, although Langenegger denied a few shots. He wouldn't stop the third attempt, however, as Knuble pulled the puck out of traffic along the left sideboards, skated through the slot and found Michael Mastrodomenico on the spot in the right circle for a wrist shot at 1:12, making the score 2-2 .

The Irish rediscovered their offense in the third period, scoring a goal on the power play a few minutes later. Axel Kumlin was in control of the point and advanced the puck to Maddox Fleming near the left circle. Fleming then turned the needle with a pass through traffic in the slot to the opposite circle, where Hunter Strand whipped in a shot to make it 3-2. Another goal in transition came midway through the frame when Brennan Ali connected with Danny Nelson, with the pass locating Nelson in the slot with a near-empty net after Langenegger had come out in an attempt to control Ali after the fast break .

Clarkson pulled the goalkeeper for an extra attacker, but the strategy bizarrely backfired. Clarkson's strike put pressure on the Notre Dame end when a hard shot from Sarsland under the spot of the right circle was blocked by an Irish defender. That shot had so much power that the puck bounced off the pads all the way down into the empty net on the other side of the ice, making it 5-2 with less than three minutes to play.




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