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Hockey India League Auction 2024 – Complete list of players bought and at what price

Hockey India League Auction 2024 – Complete list of players bought and at what price


The Hockey India League auction started with a bang on Sunday with national captain Harmanpreet Singh being the most expensive player at Rs 78 lakh. Only the men's player auction took place on the first day, with the Indian national team drawing big bids in the fray.

The HIL is back after a seven-year hiatus and is expected to be a large-scale undertaking, with eight men's teams and six women's teams in action.

At the end of Day 1 of the auction, here's a full list of the players picked by each team and the bids they placed (foreign players are in bold):

Soorma Hockey Club

[Spent – 238 lakh, Left – 162 lakh]

Dayaan Cassiem – 25 lakh – Forward

Gurjant Singh – 19 lakh – Forward

Vivek Sagar Prasad – 40 lakh – Midfielder

Harmanpreet Singh – 78 lakh – Defender

Jeremy Hayward – 42 lakh – Defender

Gurinder Singh – 11 lakhs – Defender

Vincent Vanasch – 23 lakh – Goalkeeper

Tamil Nadu Dragons

[Spent – 204 lakh, Left – 196 lakh]

Duco Telgenkamp – 36 lakh – Forward

Selvam Karthi – 24 lakh – Forward

Jip Janssen – 54 lakh – Defender

Amit Rohidas – 48 lakhs – Defender

Kothajit Singh – 10 lakh – Defender

David Harte – 32 lakh – Goalkeeper

UP Rudras

[Spent – 194 lakh, Left – 206 lakh]

Lalit Kumar Upadhyaya – 28 lakh – Forward

Alvaro Iglesias – 12 lakh – Forward

Hardik Singh – 70 lakh – Midfielder

Lars Balk – 40 lakh – Defender

Kane Russell – 30 lakh – Defender

Surender Kumar – 14 lakh – Defender

Delhi SG Pipers

[Spent – 219 lakh, Left – 181 lakh]

Shamsher Singh – 42 lakh – Midfielder

Raj Kumar Pal – 40 lakh – Midfielder

Rohit – 40 lakh – Defender

Jarmanpreet Singh – 38 lakh – Defender

Varun Kumar – 34 lakh – Defender

Pawan – 15 lakh – Goalkeeper

Tomas Santiago – 10 lakh – Goalkeeper

Shrachi Rarh Bengal Tigers

[Spent – 255.5 lakh, Left – 144.5 lakh]

Abhishek – 72 lakh – Forward

Sukhjeet Singh – 42 lakh – Forward

Florent van Aubel – 25 lakh – Forward

Jugraj Singh – 48 lakh – Defender

Gauthier Boccard – 18 lakh – Defender

Hayden Beltz – 13 lakh – Defender

Rupinder Pal Singh – Rs 12.5 lakh – Defender

Pirmin Blaak – 25 lakh – Goalkeeper

Vedanta Kalinga Lancers

[Spent – 143 lakh, Left – 257 lakh]

Dilpreet Singh – 34 lakh – Forward

Boby Singh Dhami – 20 lakh – Forward

Sanjay – 38 lakh – Defender

Mandeep Mor – 19 lakh – Defender

Krishan Bahadur Pathak – 32 lakh – Goalkeeper

Hyderabad Toofans

[Spent – 196 lakh, Left – 204 lakh]

Shilanand Lakra – 21 lakh – Forward

Nilakanta Sharma – 34 lakh – Midfielder

Gonzalo Peillat – 68 lakhs – Defender

Sumit Valmiki – 46 lakhs – Defender

Jean-Paul Danneberg – 27 lakh – Goalkeeper

Team Gonasika

[Spent – 239 lakh, Left – 161 lakh]

Araijeet Singh Hundal – 42 lakh – Forward

Mandeep Singh – 25 lakh – Forward

Jeroen Hertzberger – 21 lakh – Forward

Manpreet Singh – 42 lakh – Midfielder

Amir Ali – 34 lakh – Defender

Neelam Sanjeep Xess – 17 lakh – Defender

Yogember Rawat – 11 lakhs – Defender

Birendra Lakra – 10 lakh – Defender

Suraj Karkera – 22 lakh – Goalkeeper

Ollie Payne – 15 lakh – Goalkeeper




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