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#8 Field Hockey puts away #3 Virginia, 5-2

#8 Field Hockey puts away #3 Virginia, 5-2
#8 Field Hockey puts away #3 Virginia, 5-2


CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. Three first-half goals set the tone and a pair of fourth-quarter goals sealed the outcome as Saint Joseph's eighth-ranked hockey team defeated No. 3 Virginia 5-2 at Turf Field on Sunday afternoon.


Saint Joseph's (11-2) had the better ball possession throughout the first half and was awarded a penalty corner with six minutes left in the first quarter. Lily Santi moved to the post after the bet and hit the ball out of the air over the front of the goal mouth Sol Borenstein sent it into the cage for a 1-0 lead.

The Hawks converted two more corners in the second quarter, creating a three-goal lead. Santi inserted Kate Cristwho stopped in front of it Julia Duffhuis to take a 2-0 lead with 12 minutes to go in the half.

Four and a half minutes later, Duffhuis struck again directly on an inserted pass from Celeste Smith to make it a 3-0 Hawk lead.

Virginia (10-2) pulled one back through Emma Watchilla late in the second, sending the game into halftime at 3-1.

The Cavaliers took control in the third quarter, but were unable to convert possession into a goal. They finally broke through on a penalty corner from Mia Abello four minutes into the fourth quarter, cutting the SJU lead to 3-2.

The Hawks intervened from that point on and responded three minutes later to restore the two-goal margin. After a sharp pass from Duffhuis, Manu Ghigliotti fired a shot from the post; the rebound fell to Smits, who turned and fired a reverse chip past UVA's Tyler Kennedy for a 4-2 lead.

Santi put the exclamation point behind a statement victory with just under five minutes to play. Ghigliotti forced a ball down the touchline and sent a pass to Smits, who found Santi on target in front of an empty net, sealing one of the most impressive wins in Division I this season.


Although the offense stole the show, Hawk's defense was strong on Sunday as well, holding the Cavaliers, who had averaged more than fourteen shots per game, to just five. The Hawks eliminated ten of their own, including a 7-1 lead in the first half, and put seven on target.

The Hawks also had a 5-3 advantage in penalty corners; all five of SJU's chances came in the first half, while all three of Virginia's came in the fourth quarter.

Duffhuis, Santi and Smits all collected four points on the day.

Marith Bijkerk made one save in the game, while Kennedy made two.

The Hawks are the first to beat Virginia in regulation this season; UVA's previous loss came in overtime to then #11 Boston College on October 4.

The Cavaliers are the highest-ranked opponent the Hawks have ever defeated; The program's previous highest-ranked win came in 2021 over #4 North Carolina at Ellen Ryan Field.


The Hawks will play their third straight opponent from Virginia on Friday when they host Richmond in a key Atlantic 10 matchup. Game time is set for 3:00 PM at Ellen Ryan Field.




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