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Cricket women: Jenna Pollard and Alyssa Miguel-Pooran | Features

Cricket women: Jenna Pollard and Alyssa Miguel-Pooran | Features
Cricket women: Jenna Pollard and Alyssa Miguel-Pooran | Features


They say that behind every successful man is a strong woman, but Jenna Pollard and Alyssa Miguel-Pooran are so much more. As wives of West Indian cricket stars Kieron Pollard and Nicholas Pooran, they are not just glamorous figures on the sidelines. Behind every competition, victory and challenge, these women are the anchors that hold it all together. As mothers, businesswomen and pillars of their families, their journeys are marked by love, sacrifice and an unwavering support that fuels their husbands' success.

Jenna and Kieron's love story began almost twenty years ago; perhaps predestined by their shared passion for cricket. When cricket was on TV, it seemed like the news, Jenna, 37, remembers. We couldn't play or make noise while a match was going on. I didn't know I would marry cricket and now our son Kaiden loves it too and plays cricket for his school.

Their paths first crossed at the Queens Park Oval in Port of Spain, where Jenna, an alumna of Diego Martin Government Secondary School, was working as an usher for a cricket series. She attended the games with her father, an avid cricket fan. A mutual friend, Maria, introduced her to Kieron Pollard, who was also watching the match. He visited me a few times a day, Jenna says. While she didn't immediately feel a spark, she's quick to point out that Kieron, who waited until the last day of the series to ask for her number, remembers things a little differently. Because I said, 'I thought you'd never ask,' to this day he tells everyone that I was interested first. Having debated this for years, I can admit that after a few conversations in cricket I was drawn to him, mainly because his approach was subtle and respectful. and maybe his height too!

Fast forward to 2010, when Kieron proposed on Christmas Day, surprising everyone, including Jenna. Nobody knew! It was really special. Now, after 12 years of marriage and three children, Jenna can only laugh when asked if she ever imagined a life of luxury, jet-setting as a cricketer's wife.

I didn't envision this specific life for myself, but I won't change a thing!

Similarly, Alyssa and Nicholas' romance blossomed in a cricketing environment. They met through mutual friends at the Oval. Their connection was unmistakable. Despite initial skepticism about dating at the time, Nicholas, four years her junior, was persistent and soon his charm won her over.

I think when you find your person, you just know it, she tells Her Magazine. Not to sound cliché, he told me it was love at first sight for him; and the rest was history!

After ten years together and three years of marriage, Alyssa, a former student of Holy Faith Convent who also played cricket during her school days, reflects on their journey.

Married life is tough but rewarding. No marriage is perfect. To make it work, you have to keep God at the center. We believe that every situation, good or bad, requires that we have abiding gratitude and faith in God, she notes. An important ingredient of our marriage is working together as a team and communication. What also works for us is that we know and love each other in our respective love languages.

Jenna agrees.

The constant travel and whirlwind of events can be overwhelming. Keeping love alive takes intentional work. Hard work, she admits. But with God as our main pillar, by learning to know and respect each other's shortcomings, growing together and choosing peace, we can bring out the best in each other.

Over time, Jenna and Alyssa have formed a special bond based on mutual support and understanding as they navigate this unique journey together. For Jenna, who runs several companies with her husband – including a supermarket and real estate investments – it was a conscious choice to become a stay-at-home mom.

In the beginning, I sometimes thought about a life with my own career, but I didn't think about it, she remembers. Kieron's career required him to be away most of the year, so this balance was key to keeping our family together. I'm big on family. It was important that I was present with the children when their father was away for work, and that I was able to travel with them to spend time with their father.

Alyssa also embraced stay-at-home motherhood. A former Risk Management Senior Associate, she remains busy overseeing the family's business investments and raising her daughter Alayra, who is almost two. Being a mother is a full-time job, but it's a blessing, she tells Her. It has brought out a strength in me that I didn't know I possessed.

Despite the glamorous veneer of being cricket wives, both Alyssa and Jenna prioritize authenticity and emphasize the importance of staying grounded.

I'm definitely an introvert, Jenna says. Kierons is a bit more in between given his profession, but we both enjoy the simple things in life. We live our lives very normally and encourage this lifestyle in our children.

Alyssa, 33, a self-described ambivert, admits she's still adjusting to the spotlight. Recently Nicholas asked me to accept an award on his behalf. “I had butterflies waiting for his name to be announced,” she recalls, laughing. I had to stay calm, positive and present in the moment to remove all fear and embrace the situation.

Being married to popular cricketers also means that their wives are emotionally involved in all their matches.

I still get nervous when I watch Kieron play, Jenna admits.

I know how hard he works and how much he wants to do well in every match, I also want the best from him. Even though it is not possible to perform well every match, it is what pushes him to always strive for better and what has shaped him into who he is today.

Alyssa emphasizes the importance of not letting the pressure of the game affect their marriage. The highs and lows can sometimes become mentally taxing and overall stressful. I do my best to be a strong source of support by just being his partner. In those difficult moments, just being present without saying much is all he needs.

And when it comes to public scrutiny and the inevitable social media trolls, both women have learned to rise above it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether we agree with it or not, Alyssa says nonchalantly. That's the beauty of sports and why we love the game.

In the Pollard and Pooran households, life may revolve around cricket, but ultimately it is family, love and faith that hold it all together.




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