Profane #5 review
Apart from a few fairly minor missteps, I can say that Desecrate has been a compelling series so far. The creative team (writer Peter Milligan, artist Ral Fernandez and colorist Giada Marchisio) has created both a clever piece of noir and a new metatextual experiment Desecrate a story that is bigger than its boundaries. Furthermore, it was never meta for the sake of it, but rather a way to use these ideas and tropes to delve deeper into the nature of storytelling; the relationship between creator, character and audience; and the greater value of telling these powerful stories to each other.
But with number 5, Desecrate doesn't end at nearly the peak I assumed it would grow to (creatively or intellectually). But it is a finale that still leaves you feeling satisfied and excited.
Leading up to issue #5, Will Profane had been trying to solve the murder of his creator, Spud Coltrane, who was likely murdered by Profane's own arch-rival, Red Glove. While making his way through our world (aka the non-fiction), Profane met a beautiful girl in Lili, had his sponsor Egbert almost unceremoniously killed, and generally reflected on his fictional status and what it was all about. really meant.
Without spoiling too much, Desecrate #5 concludes very nicely and touches on all the points you want to be effective enough. There's some heft to it, but it ultimately works to expand on the book's final closing point: life isn't easy for a private dick. But in reality, the story gives us a somewhat lackluster path forward for Profane, who, after rebelling against his creator, his fictional status, and all the ideas of fate and predestination that it entails, is on the verge of his own damn to write story. And yes, it feels a bit like some Natasha Bedingfield song to a point, but it's completely deserved.
Expertly constructed in the core story, Profane emerges as this man who can see his own life clearly (literally: it's written down) and he just wants to try something new, regardless of whether it's better or not. So the story has been an extension of that, exploring fiction, storytelling and all things meta in a way to extract some intellectual tidbits and get to the visceral humanity of it all. To say that, as much as this book makes the intellectual effort to add to the ongoing meta-exploration happening in comics, it also does something very, very real.
And that's using stories to figure out who we are, where we're at collectively, and where we're going artistically and emotionally as a species. The end of Desecratethen reminds us that deep introspection, self-awareness, and the hope of the unwritten are as human as we can get, and by embracing these ideas/themes we were actually perpetuating storytelling as this innate human ability to to grow and expand ourselves. our communities.
It's a different way Desecrate uses this meta-malarkey in a new and novel way: it's not about layered storytelling and an abstract demonstration of creative prowess, but rather this profound reminder that all great stories speak to something deep within us (that isn't always so easily accessible ). This aspect or function of us that uses stories to understand and decipher people and the outside world, and that by opening up a blank page in front of us, we can realize the best versions of ourselves. Or at least try to write a worthwhile story.
So it was about the ultimate payoff, not intellectually, but emotionally and spiritually. A salve, if you will, through which stories can build our world and bring light and clarity. As such, the art team did a lot, not necessarily to push those same messages and generally promote something that felt warm and engaging.
And by warm and engaging I just mean more great noir action. Desecrate #5 had a lot of standout moments: we got to see more of Profane's scrying, and that promoted a certain metaphysical quality that reminds us of the pure magic of this world (and contextualizes all the meta stuff in a very new and efficient way); a gunfight towards the end, which was the right kind of cheesy action we needed and an acknowledgment that this story has always taken us along in its meta-ness and narrative dissection; and of course it adds more emotionality and humanity, allowing us to connect with these characters in a way that is always simple, direct and hugely effective.
In short, Desecrate #5 was a kind of best-of or sampler platter of this book's visual delights, a powerful reminder of how to tell a slightly involved, quite contemplative story like this, always remembering to keep things slick, sexy and action-packed.
If there is anything, Desecrate needs that really cool exterior to achieve that humanity. That no matter how much the storyline built toward this deeply human conclusion, it was the art that kept that baseline moving steadily the entire time. What we connected to Desecrate from page one because he's cool, powerful, and reminiscent of so many heroes we already love. Or that the world itself was neat and orderly and endlessly graceful, and that it gave us a certain solidity even as some of the meta-bits started to get more and more complicated and convoluted.
It is (obviously) in the art where the magical aspects play out, and that leaves the story free to be more direct to really draw us in and get to the heart of the exploration of noir, fiction, audience involvement, etc. Ultimately, it was the art of making things feel exciting but completely relatable, and that feature always made for this pure gimmick Desecrate it feels less like a chore and more like an exciting adventure that we were destined to complete. Art has so much life flowing outward, and through it all artistic achievements have been made possible.
If you're like me, or if you've had a similar experience throughout the book, you'll leave Desecrate #5 completely satisfied. Sure, this series could have done more to delve into metaphyction, but did it really need to? Maybe then it would have been just another meta title on the pile, and something that showed off its cleverness by adding something of substance. At least here, in this context, Desecrate gave us something hugely important: a story about us and how we were pursuing a better, more exciting world.
Forget the missteps or anything else Desecrate was a great achievement. The end.
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