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CHS field hockey team defeats rival Foxboro to extend division lead

CHS field hockey team defeats rival Foxboro to extend division lead


By Jay Turner

Senior Jules Gilchrist is having a great season. (Mike Tureski photo)

The wins keep coming for the Canton High varsity field hockey team, which improved to a Davenport Division best 12-1 with a win last Thursday on the road against rival Foxboro.

The Warriors were always a formidable foe regardless of their position in the standings. They came into the match with an 8-2-1 record in league play and also had the advantage of being on their home turf. But in the end, the Bulldogs' superior talent won out, fueled by a two-goal burst in the fourth quarter thanks to team scoring leaders Shannon Lane and Carolyn Schiavo.

For Lane, it was her 31st goal in the league, in just thirteen games, and yet another example of the talented sophomore imposing her will when the team needed her most. I think her confidence has improved throughout the year; if anything, she held back a bit early in the season, head coach Chrissy OConnor said. She becomes more open and verbal in her communication, and like Carolyn, she is one of the hardest workers on the team.

OConnor said both Lane and Schiavo, who scored her 19th goal in the win, are shining examples of the kind of players who know what it takes to be considered one of the best. They always stay after practice and are always looking for opportunities to play, she said. You wonder why the kids at the top are where they are? They do all the extra things it takes to get there.

It hasn't just been a two-person show, though. In fact, several players have really taken their play to the next level this season, especially senior Julianna Gilchrist, who anchors a defense that allows just one goal per game, and sophomore midfielder Cassidy Lyons, who does all the little things that contribute to winning. regardless of whether or not they appear on the stat sheet.

Cass has become one of our favorite players and she is probably our most underrated player, OConnor said. She is our cleaner in midfield and has been one of our most consistent players all season.

She also knows how to produce when she needs to, as evidenced by her top-10 ranking in total points with 10 goals and seven assists. Senior Izzy Digirolamo also made her mark with five goals and 10 assists, and right behind her is junior Nora Giannacopoulos with nine goals and four assists.

After hosting a pair of division foes this week in North Attleboro and Oliver Ames, the Bulldogs will close out the regular season next week with three road games in five days: Monday at Stoughton, Wednesday at Mansfield and Friday at nonleague Norwood, currently the top-ranked team throughout Division 2.

OConnor said the final against the Mustangs should be a good test for the fourth-ranked Bulldogs as they prepare for the D2 state tournament.

“I think if we play to our potential and level, there isn't a team in our division that we can't beat,” she said.

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