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NYT 'Connections' hints and answers for October 20: Tips to solve 'Connections' #497.

NYT 'Connections' hints and answers for October 20: Tips to solve 'Connections' #497.


Connections is the latest New York Times wordplay that has caught the attention of the public. The game is all about finding the 'common thread between words'. And just like Word, Connections resets after midnight and each new set of words becomes trickier and trickier. That's why we've provided some hints and tips to help you get over the hurdle.

If you just want to hear today's puzzle, skip to the end of this article before October 20th Connections solution. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, read on for some pointers, tips, and strategies to help you.


Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword and more: play games on Mashable

What are connections?

The NOW's latest daily word game has become a hit on social media. The Times credits assistant puzzle editor Wyna Liu with helping create the new word game and bringing it to the publications' Games section. Connections can be played on both web browsers and mobile devices and requires players to group four words that have something in common.

Each puzzle contains 16 words and each group of words is split into four categories. These sets can include anything from book titles, software, country names, etc. Although it may seem like several words go together, there is only one correct answer.

If a player gets all four words in a set correct, those words are removed from the board. If you guess wrong, it counts as a mistake. Players receive a maximum of four faults until the game ends.

Players can also rearrange and shuffle the board to make discovering connections easier. Additionally, each group is color coded, with yellow being the easiest, followed by green, blue and purple. Like Word, you can share the results with your friends on social media.


NYT's The Mini Crossword Answers for October 20

Here's a hint for today's Connections categories

Want a hit on the categories without being told the categories? Then try these:

Mashable top stories

  • Yellow: Writing news

  • Vegetable: Noisy

  • Blue: Table tennis

  • Purple: Homophones

These are today's connection categories

Do you need a little extra help? The current connections fall into the following categories:

Looking for Wordle today? Here is the answer to today's Wordle.

Ready for the answers? This is your last chance to return and solve today's puzzle before we reveal the solutions.

Drum roll, please!

The solution for today Connections #495 is…

What is the answer to Connections today?

  • A bit of newspaper writing: ARTICLE, COLUMN, FEATURE, STORY

  • Noisy nuisance: CLAT, RACKET, ROW, RUCKUS

  • Table tennis needs: BALL, NET, PADDLE, TABLE

  • Homophones of coordinating conjunctions: ASS, FRONT, OAR, SEW

Don't feel bad if you didn't guess this time. There will be new Connections so you can stretch your brain tomorrow, and we are here again to guide you with more useful tips.


NYT Connections Sports Edition Today: Tips and Answers for October 19

Do you also play NYT Strands? Check out hints and answers for today's Strands.


Mini crossword answers for October 19

If you're looking for more puzzles, Mashable now has games! Check out our games hub for Mahjong, Sudoku, free crossword and more.

Not the day you are looking for? Here is the solution to yesterday's Connections.




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