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NYT Connections October 20: Clues and Answers for Game #497

NYT Connections October 20: Clues and Answers for Game #497


Connections can sometimes be easy to crack, but there are days when a little help goes a long way.

To keep your winning streak intact, Newsweek has put together a series of tips to guide you through Sunday's puzzle without giving too much away.

Launched by The New York Times in June 2023, Connections has quickly gained a large following, challenging players to group words based on hidden connections such as homophones, synonyms, and clever word associations.

By combining logic with language skills, it is the Times' second most popular game, behind only Wordle.

In this guide, we'll explain how to play Connections, offer strategies to improve your puzzle-solving skills, and provide hints for Sunday's challenge. Be careful: if you're trying to avoid spoilers, you'll find Sunday's answers further down.

Play connections

Connections challenges players to categorize 16 words into four groups based on their associations.

Each group is color coded to represent the level of difficulty: yellow for the easiest, followed by green, blue and purple. The puzzles are rarely simple and often include homophones, puns and other techniques to keep players challenged. If players get stuck, they can use the shuffle button to rearrange the words on the screen.

Wyna Liu, a crossword editor at the Times that Connections developed, recently shared with Newsweek her tips for playing the game.

Newsweek has the clues and answers for Sunday's Connections game.

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“My best advice is to wait as long as possible before guessing,” Liu said.

“You may see the board and have fully identified the category, seeing five words that could belong in that category,” she continued. “Don't try to guess the four words in that category because even if you know what the fifth paragraph is, you don't know which of the four it might not be.” This would ultimately waste a turn.

“Don't do what I do, which is 'fix anger,'” Liu said.

Connections #497 Directions for Sunday

Newsweek has some tips to help you figure out the Sunday's Connections categories.

Yellow: These can all be found at Newsweeks website.

Vegetable: These things at night keep you from falling asleep.

Blue: Words related to an Olympic sport.

Purple: If you paid attention in English class, you might guess the connection between these words.

Connections #497 Answers for Sunday

Yellow category: A bit of newspaper writing

Yellow words: Article, column, feature, story

Green category: Noisy nuisance

Green words: Clash, racket, fight, ruckus

Blue category: Table tennis needs

Blue words: Ball, net, paddle, table

Purple category: Homophones of coordinating conjunctions

Purple words: Ass, front, oar, screw

Did you guess the answers correctly? If so, congratulations. If not, there is another chance to crack the puzzle on Monday.




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