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Explained: Why were cricket and hockey dropped from the 2026 Commonwealth Games

Explained: Why were cricket and hockey dropped from the 2026 Commonwealth Games


India's medal hopes took a major blow at the 2026 Commonwealth Games after several sports were excluded from the upcoming tournament. The sports of cricket, hockey and shooting were dropped from the Glasgow Games for various reasons.

Glasgow Games organizers have streamlined the 2026 competition to create a more budget-friendly programme, reducing the number of sporting disciplines from 19 at the 2022 Birmingham Games to just 10 for Glasgow 2026. The decision was made after Scotland intervened to organize the 2026 Games. Australia withdrew due to rising costs.

How has Glasgow decided which sports to cut? Were the sporting events canceled to give the hosts an advantage? Or was there a process followed to decide which 10 disciplines would participate in the competition in 2026?

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Here's everything you need to know about the latest Commonwealth Games 2026.

Reduced sports program

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) has confirmed that the Glasgow 2026 Games will have a significantly shorter event list compared to previous editions. The selected sports include:

– Athletics and para-athletics (athletics)
– Swimming and para swimming
– Artistic Gymnastics
– Track cycling and Paratrack cycling
– Netball
– Weightlifting and Para Powerlifting
– Boxing
– Bowls and Para Bowls
– 3×3 basketball and 3×3 wheelchair basketball

Conspicuously absent from this lineup are cricket, table tennis, squash and road racing. This reduction is intended to balance the multi-sport feel of the event with financial and operational considerations.

CWG 2026: Competition aborted

Impact on India's performance

India has historically excelled in events that are now excluded, such as hockey, badminton, shooting and wrestling. The absence of shooting is particularly damaging as India has won 135 medals in the discipline, including 63 gold, making it one of the country's most successful sports at the Games. Wrestling also contributed significantly, with a total of 114 medals in various categories.

Reasons for exercising less

The decision to include only ten sports reflects a return to a more traditional format, as the Commonwealth Games have typically featured around ten sports throughout their history. Although the event expanded to include 15 to 20 sports after 1998, future hosts will need flexibility to adapt to financial constraints.

Sports selection process

The sports program is recommended by the host country, with two compulsory sports mandated by the CGF: athletics and para-athletics, and swimming and para-swimming. Other sports are selected based on various criteria set out in CGF Regulation 6, which takes into account operational viability and economic value.

Location selection

Only four locations have been chosen for the Games, including:

– Scotstoun Stadium
– Tollcross International Swimming Centre
– Commonwealth Arena/Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome
– Scottish Event Campus (SEC)

The selection of these locations was motivated by the need to organize the mandatory sports and ensure operational efficiency. By consolidating events in fewer locations, the Games can achieve significant budget savings through reduced costs associated with venue rental, branding, security and transportation.

Future sports programs

The sporting program for Glasgow 2026 will not set a precedent for future Commonwealth Games, allowing for possible changes in subsequent editions. This flexibility will be essential to adapt to the needs and circumstances of future host countries.

Published by:

Kingshuk Kusari

Published on:

October 22, 2024




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