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CWG shock: hockey, shooting, cricket, badminton axe

CWG shock: hockey, shooting, cricket, badminton axe



In a blow to India's medal prospects at the Commonwealth Games, major sports such as hockey, badminton, wrestling, cricket and shooting have been axed from the 2026 edition by host city Glasgow, which unveiled a trimmed roster of ten disciplines to retain the event. budget-friendly and free from “operational risks”.

Table tennis, squash and triathlon have also been axed in a bid to cut costs and streamline logistics, as just four venues will house the entire showpiece event. The total number of events at the Games will be nine fewer compared to the 2022 Birmingham edition.

“The Games will include ten sports – striking a balance between ensuring the event has a multi-sport feel and the need to manage financial and operational risks,” the Commonwealth Games Federation said in a statement.

“The sports program includes athletics and para-athletics (athletics), swimming and para-swimming, artistic gymnastics, track cycling and para-track cycling, korfball, weightlifting and para-powerlifting, boxing, judo, pétanque and para bowls, and 3×3 basketball. and 3×3 wheelchair basketball,” the Commonwealth Games Federation said in a statement.

The 23rd edition of the Games will take place from July 23 to August 2 and marks Glasgow's return as host after 12 years.

“The Games will take place at four locations – Scotstoun Stadium, Tollcross International Swimming Centre, Emirates Arena – including the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome and the Scottish Event Campus (SEC). Athletes and support staff will be housed in hotel accommodation,” it added.

The selection is a huge setback for India's medal prospects as the bulk of the country's medals in the past editions have come from the deleted disciplines. Filming was never expected to return after being dropped from the Birmingham program four years ago due to logistics.

Announcing the Glasgow schedule, the CGF said: “Glasgow 2026 will feature a program of 10 sports, concentrated across four venues within an 8-mile corridor”.

This excluded shooting from the selection as the Barry Buddon center in Dundee – the venue during the 2014 CWG – is over 100km from Glasgow. Archery was also still ignored. The sport was last seen at the 2010 Delhi Games.

Glasgow Green, which hosted hockey in 2014, has been removed from the list of venues, while the Emirates Arena, which hosted badminton that year, will be used for cycling only this time at the Sir Chris Hoy Velodrome there.

“Cost and operational risk were the key drivers. Each location introduced brings additional costs and complexity for location rental, security, transportation etc. To minimize these risks, it was determined that it would be too expensive to add additional locations” , the organizers said. This justifies limiting the Games to just four locations.

In addition to the costs, the exclusion of hockey could also be related to the fact that the Games are being organized just before the World Cup that will take place two weeks later from August 15 to 30 in Wavre, Belgium and Amstelveen, the Netherlands.

The Australian state of Victoria was the original host of the 2026 edition, but withdrew last year due to rising costs. Scotland then intervened to save the Games.

The omission of hockey from the Games would be a major blow to India. The men's team won three silver and two bronze medals, while the women also shone, claiming three medals, including a historic gold at the 2002 Games.

In badminton, India has won as many as 31 medals: 10 gold, eight silver and 13 bronze.

Notably, the country would enter the 2026 edition as defending champions in men's and women's singles, as well as men's doubles.

Shooting has been a stronghold for India, with as many as 135 medals to its name. The count included 63 gold, 44 silver and 28 bronze.

The wrestling competition has won 114 medals for the country, including 49 gold, 39 silver and 26 bronze.

After the reintroduction of cricket in 2022, the Indian women's team claimed silver.

Para-athletes have been part of the Games since the 2002 Manchester edition and will continue to do so in the 2026 edition.

“Para sports will be fully integrated again as a key priority and point of difference for the Games, with six para sports included in the sports programme,” CGF said.

The CGF said the Games will generate more than £100 million in “inward investment into the city” and is expected to add economic value of more than £150 million to the region.

The body claimed that all this would be possible thanks to a model “specifically designed not to require public financing for the implementation of the Games.”




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