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Successful international referee exam – Table Tennis England

Successful international referee exam – Table Tennis England


Six English officials, including three under the age of 25, are ready to take the next steps in their journey after passing their international refereeing exams.

Table Tennis England headquarters organized the exams, one of many held around the world this month, and six candidates passed.

They are: Richard Horsfield (Northants), Chloe Ireland (Berks – main photo), Tom Konarski (Lincs – pictured below), Paul Nichols (Northants), Matt Pryke (Cambs) and Dr. Sunil Sapre (Lancs).

The Level 2 group of (national) referees entered the exam after several years of mentorship and training by the Technical Officials Committee (TOC) team, both at domestic events and various international competitions.

They all started in their own right across the country by achieving the Level 1 qualification and were fast-tracked to this exam as part of the priority project to qualify more referees, which launched ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. Matt, Chloe and Tom, who are all under 25, refereed that event.

The exam itself lasts 60 minutes and candidates must answer 50 questions. A few weeks ago they also completed a three-hour training course with the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF).

The six successful candidates are now qualified international referees and will be eligible for more international events, and potentially the 2026 World Team Championships in London.

Chloe said: I'm glad I qualified as an IU, especially as I've never found the exams easy!

I have always been well supported and encouraged by other officials, especially Brian Jackson, Sheila Walshe and Dan Bullen, and I feel that my experience at the Commonwealth Games and other major events has helped me gain confidence.

I am very excited about the opportunity to travel, but would also like to referee the 2026 World Team Championships in London.

Tom also thanked Brian, Dan and Sheila for their mentorship, along with Area Manager and Technical Officials Committee member Chris Newton.

He added: I was very happy to hear that I passed! I hope to referee an international event next year and later become a referee at the Olympic Games and other major events.

Andrew Wilesmith, Head of Table Tennis England, said: I am pleased to see that six of our esteemed referees have qualified as international referees.

The status of our officials in world table tennis has always been high and we have provided officials for many major international events. This has recently been demonstrated with the selection of Nico Caltabianos for the men's singles gold medal match at the Olympic Games and the selection of Tom Purcells for the Paralympic Games.

To once again have a number of IUs, three under 25s starting their international adventure and representing England at the highest level, is testament to their hard work and the work of our Technical Officials Committee in supporting them on their journey .

Having dignitaries in this country is a key objective for Table Tennis England and I am very pleased with the progress being made in this area.

The next step for aspiring national referees wishing to take this exam is to attend an ETTU training session on January 18-19, 2025, around the Womens British Clubs League weekend. Following this seminar, referees who attend will be nominated for the next round of IU examinations in 2025. Referees from other Home Nations will also attend.




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