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Sports club not happy with CGF move

Sports club not happy with CGF move


CHENNAI: The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) has officially announced that Glasgow will host the 2026 Commonwealth Games. In a statement on Tuesday, the body also said the event will include just 10 sports across four venues. Some notable absences from the program include badminton, wrestling, hockey, shooting, cricket and table tennis. That did not go down well with the Indian sports fraternity. The upcoming Games will take place from July 23 to August 2.

Hockey captain Harmanpreet Singh, who is currently preparing for a two-match bilateral series against world champions Germany in New Delhi, was understandably surprised by the development. It is shocking news and very disappointing but it is not in our hands, said Harmanpreet, under whose captaincy the team won a bronze medal at the Paris Olympics.

Top ping pong player G Sathiyan's reaction was no different. It's disappointing… to see a mainstream sport like table tennis being excluded is surprising. Big loss for the Indian table tennis association. I hope something can be done about it. It's a shock to all of us, he said.

The sports program includes athletics and para-athletics (athletics), swimming and para-swimming, artistic gymnastics, track cycling and para-track cycling, netball, weightlifting and para-powerlifting, boxing, judo, bocce and para bowls, and 3×3 basketball and 3×3 Wheelchair basketball , the CGF statement said.

The decision to leave out several Olympic sports may come as a shock to many, but it should be noted that there was some uncertainty surrounding the Games after Australia, which was originally scheduled to host the 2026 edition, withdrew due to rising costs. Taking the costs into account, the CGF has decided to cancel several sports.

Veteran rower, A Sharath Kamal, is certainly disappointed but is also aware of the circumstances behind CGF's big decision. It is a shame that table tennis has been removed from the CWG programme, but organizers have said they would be moving from Melbourne to Glasgow at very short notice, Sharath told a news agency. The total number of events at the Games will be nine fewer compared to the 2022 Birmingham edition.

National badminton head coach Pullela Gopichand was undeterred as he gave his views on the matter. I am deeply shocked and disappointed by the decision to exclude badminton from the 2026 CWG, a judgment that seems aimed at hindering the progress of countries like India… It is crucial that we raise our voices and address this issue to the relevant authorities to ensure that Badminton continues to flourish and inspire future generations, Gopichand said in a press release.




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