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Freshman women's tennis shine in San Diego

Freshman women's tennis shine in San Diego


SAN DIEGO Freshman Olivia Center And Kate Fakih shined as the UCLA women's tennis team continued the fall portion of its schedule at the ITA Southwest Regional Championships. The matches were played at the University of San Diego's Skip and Cindy Hogan Tennis Center, as well as the Aztec Tennis Center at San Diego State.

Center and Fakih teamed to a second-place finish in doubles, defeating three nationally ranked foes. The Bruins defeated No. 41 Patricija Spaka/Sara Svetac of Arizona State in the second round, setting up a showdown with the 20th-ranked and top-seeded USC pairing of Lily Fairclough and Grace Piper. Center and Fakih again prevailed, opting for a 6-7(7), 6-3, 1-0(8) decision over No. 60 Claudia De Las Heras/Kailey Evans of USD before falling to No. 24 Savannah Broadus/ Pepperdine's Vivian Yang in the finals.

No. 28 Ahmani Guichard And Anne-Christine Lutkemeyer also made a run in doubles, winning three matches before bowing out against Broadus and Yang. Among the UCLA pair's victories was an 8-6 result over No. 36 Emma Charney/Immi Haddad of USC.

Each of the seven Bruins in action had at least one singles victory, with Fakih advancing to the quarterfinals. Reaching the third round with Fakih were No. 83 Lutkemeyer, No. 42 Bianca Fernandez and no. 97 Elise Wagle.

ITA Regional Championships South West
17-10-22-10-2024 in San Diego, CA (Aztec Tennis Center)

Singles competition
Q1 Mia Jovic (UCLA) final Angelina Mihajlović (Grand Canyon) 2-6, 6-4, 6-2
Question 2 Mia Jovic (UCLA) final Dana Kunza (Cal State Fullerton) 6-1, 6-3
Main table
64 #110 Ahmani Guichard (UCLA) final Diana Yanotovskaya (Cal State Fullerton) 6-1, 4-6, 6-2
64 #83 A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) def. Romane Mosse (Cal Poly) 6-1, 6-1
64 Kate Fakih (UCLA) final I. Tcherkes-Zade (LMU) 6-3, 6-0
64 Alexia Harmon (Pepperdine) def. Olivia Center (UCLA) 3-6, 6-4, 6-2
64 #97 Elise Wagle (UCLA) final Yuliia Zhytelna (CSUN) 6-1, 6-0
64 #42 Bianca Fernandez (UCLA) final Simone Kay (USC) 7-5, 4-6, 6-2
64 Immi Haddad (USC) def. Mia Jovic (UCLA) 6-4, 6-1
32 Martyna Oostrzalo (Arizona) def. #110 Ahmani Guichard (UCLA) 6-4, 6-1
32 #83 A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) def. Jana Hossam (USC) 6-0, 6-2
32 Kate Fakih (UCLA) final Midori Castillo-Meza (Arizona) 6-2, 6-2
32 #97 Elise Wagle (UCLA) final Jo-Yee Chan (San Diego State) 6-2, 6-3
32 #42 Bianca Fernandez (UCLA) final Patricia Spaka (Arizona State) 7-6 (7-5), 6-4
16 #124 Sara Svetac (Arizona State) def. #83 A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) 6-1, 6-4
16 Kate Fakih (UCLA) final Liam Oved (Pepperdine) 6-3, 6-3
16 #15 Emma Charney (USC) def. #97 Elise Wagle (UCLA) 2-6, 7-5, 6-2
16 S. Rogozinska-Dzik (LMU) def. #42 Bianca Fernandez (UCLA) 6-1, 6-2
QF #89 Kailey Evans (San Diego) def. Kate Fakih (UCLA) 6-3, 5-7, 6-1
Additional competitions
#110 Ahmani Guichard (UCLA) final Peyton Dunkle (CalPoly) 6-2, 6-3
Vesa Gjinaj (San Diego State) def. Mia Jovic (UCLA) 6-1, 6-3
Olivia Center (UCLA) final Milena Gevorgyan (Cal State Fullerton) 6-2, 6-1
Parker Fry (USC) def. Olivia Center (UCLA) 6-2, 6-3
Mia Jovic (UCLA) final Joelle Lanz (Hawaii) 3-6, 6-4, 1-0 (10-7)
Liam Oved (Pepperdine) def. #110 Ahmani Guichard (UCLA) 6-4, 6-3
Olivia Center (UCLA) final Simone Kay (USC) 6-2, 6-2
Doubles competition
32 Olivia Center/Kate Fakih (UCLA) final Vesa Gjinaj/Zoe Olmos (San Diego State) 8-3
32 #28 Ahmani Guichard/A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) def. Lucy Lu/Lily Pradkin (UC Santa Barbara) 8-2
16 Olivia Center/Kate Fakih (UCLA) final #41 Patricija Spaka/Sara Svetac (Arizona State) 8-5
16 #28 Ahmani Guichard/A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) def. Jo-Yee Chan/Ninon Martinache (San Diego State) 8-5
QF Olivia Center/Kate Fakih (UCLA) final #20 Lily Fairclough/Grace Piper (USC) 8-3
QF #28 Ahmani Guichard/A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) def. #36 Emma Charney/Immi Haddad (USC) 8-6
SF Olivia Center/Kate Fakih (UCLA) final #60 Claudia De Las Heras/Kailey Evans (San Diego) 6-7 (7-9), 6-3, 1-0 (10-8)
SF #24 Savannah Broadus/Vivian Yang (Pepperdine) def. #28 Ahmani Guichard/A. Lutkemeyer (UCLA) 6-2, 3-6, 1-0 (10-3)
F #24 Savannah Broadus/Vivian Yang (Pepperdine) def. Olivia Center/Kate Fakih (UCLA) 6-4, 6-1




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