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Physical exercises are good for the elderly – Da Nang English- News

Physical exercises are good for the elderly – Da Nang English- News


The exercise and sports movement among middle-aged and elderly people has spread widely in Da Nang, as many sports clubs have been established and are operating actively and effectively.

In recent years, sports tournaments have been regularly organized in the city, with the aim of contributing to enriching the spiritual life and improving the health of middle-aged and elderly people.

A performance at the 2024 Da Nang Open Qi Gong Tournament. Photo: PN
A performance at the 2024 Da Nang Open Qi Gong Tournament. Photo: PN

Improving health

Qi Gong is one of the popular sports among middle-aged and elderly people. This type of sports helps participants strengthen their physical strength, control their breathing, maintain their flexibility and create a refreshing and happy mind.

Mr. Nguyen Ba Luong, who lives in Hoa Hiep Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District, said that after his retirement, he has been practicing Qi Gong daily from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM for more than 10 years.

He said Qi Gong involves whole-body movement, focus of the mind and deep breathing that opens the body's energy pathways, promotes smooth energy flow and restores harmony to the organs. “I will maintain the habit of practicing this sport to improve my health and prevent diseases,” he added.

In addition to Qi Gong, popular sports such as badminton, table tennis, volleyball, chess and dance sports are chosen by middle-aged and elderly people. To meet the needs of athletes, many clubs have been established and are actively operating.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Bac, a member of the Nguyen Ngoc Thach Table Tennis Club, is 70 years old, but still maintains her agility and dexterity thanks to regular practice and competition in table tennis.

“I am passionate about many sports, but after my retirement I chose to practice table tennis. Every day, from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., I practice and compete with members of the Nguyen Ngoc Thach Club. In addition to physical training The club is a place where members can meet, exchange and share joy every day, Ms. Bac said.

According to statistics, there are more than 300 sports clubs for middle-aged and elderly people in the city. Investments in cultural and sports facilities are also being made by units, localities and the city, creating favorable conditions for middle-aged and elderly people to enjoy sports.

According to deputy director of Thanh Khe District Culture and Sports Center Nguyen Duy Dong, the center attracts thousands of people who come to exercise every day, including many middle-aged and elderly people. In the center, middle-aged and elderly people can freely jog and dance on campus.

Many meaningful playgrounds

In order to attract middle-aged and elderly people to participate in sports and improve their quality of life, relevant units, places and the city organize many tournaments.

Recently, Thanh Khe District Culture and Sports Center organized the Sports Festival for Middle-aged and Elderly in 2024, with the participation of 250 athletes from departments in the district.

On October 23 and 24, the Da Nang Ministry of Culture and Sports organized the 2024 Municipal-level Qi Gong Tournament. This year, nearly 500 athletes from 27 Qi Gong clubs in the city and provinces of Quang Nam, Quang Tri and Binh Dinh participated.

According to Mr. Pham Quy, chairman of the city's Elderly Association, sports tournaments are a meaningful playground for older athletes to meet and exchange, creating motivation to maintain the habit of regular physical activity.

Meanwhile, director of Da Nang Sports and Physical Training Center Tran Cong Tu acknowledged that the sports movement among middle-aged and elderly people in the city is developing strongly and attracting a large number of participants. Many clubs have invested in staff and facilities to meet health exchange and improvement needs.

To promote the development of the movement, the center usually organizes large-scale sports tournaments with a variety of competitions for middle-aged and elderly people. Through the tournaments, the organizing boards select outstanding athletes to participate in national sports competitions for the middle-aged and elderly.

Reporting by PHI NONG – Translation by M.DUNG





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