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The women's tennis team debuts a new tennis court complex

The women's tennis team debuts a new tennis court complex


On the weekend of October 13, the women's tennis team debuted the school's new tennis facilities in a three-day match against Trinity, Colby and Skidmore.

The school broke ground last summer on the new tennis facility, located between South Street Field and the school's outdoor court. The complex will have 12 courts, an increase from the number of courts next to the Proctor Dining Hall, and will also help the school free up space for the future student center, which will be located where the Proctor tennis courts are currently located. As part of the construction of the new tennis facility, the school has relocated the throwing areas for the track and field team.

The new courts are great. Actually, we didn't expect them to be ready in the fall, but then they were [Middlebury Director of Athletics] Erin Quinn dropped the news that they were, which was really exciting, said Nina Farhat, 25. We like them because now we're near some of the rest of the athletics, so we have the football games going on. In the background we hear hockey. Proctor is a bit alone on his isolated hill.

The women's team had tremendous success in their first formal competition on the new courts. By mid-October, the team achieved a combined 302 in singles and doubles combined.

In singles, Farhat, Sahana Raman 25, Claudia Miller 25 and Elsie Van Wieren 28 each went 30 all in straight sets, giving Middlebury a singles record of 171. In the doubles, the duos Miller and Van Wieren and Raman and Farhat both remained undefeated.

The tournament was a strong ending to the fall portion of the Panthers schedule. In the fall, the team had a combined record of 588 in singles and 345 in doubles. In September, a number of women's tennis players also performed well at the ITA Regionals, hosted by Bowdoin College. Raman reached the semi-finals of the tournament, while Farhat and Van Wieren were both quarter-finalists.

Autumn went really well. We have three really cool freshmen who just joined our team, which added a lot of great positive energy, Farhat said. So we're really excited about that, and overall we did a really great job, which we were super excited about.

The team's early season success is a continuation of the team's success from last season. The team made it to the semifinals of the NESCAC tournament before a 54-ranked loss to Amherst, and then made it to the quarterfinals of the NCAA tournament before a 53-ranked loss to the #1 ranked Claremont-Mudd-Scripps Colleges consortium team.

The women's tennis team will resume the 2024-2025 season and continue playing on the new courts in March next year.

Farhat expressed his happiness at the team's rejuvenated energy and is optimistic about what spring will bring for the women's tennis team.

This year we have three new first-year students. We also have an interim head coach this year, who is different from the head coach we had last year, so she brings a lot of great energy, and she has pushed us in a lot of ways both on and off the field, said Farhat. I think I'll be at full strength in the spring and really excited to play.

Jack McGuire

Jack McGuire (he/him) is a senior sports editor.

Jack was previously a sports editor and staff writer. He also spent seven days this past summer as an intern at News Reporting.

Jack is also studying economics with minors in political science and film and media culture.




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