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Cost of games: about the 2026 Commonwealth Games

Cost of games: about the 2026 Commonwealth Games


As the rising costs of staging multi-sport events and the lack of appeal for a colonial-hangover Games forced Glasgow 2026 into a much smaller-scale event, the immediate impact was felt by India, the most populous country in the Commonwealth Games family. . The country has consistently finished in the top five in the new millennium, including its best ever performance of second place, with 101 medals, when Delhi hosted it in 2010. As organizers have decided to limit the Games to ten integrated disciplines (including para sports) to be held at four venues, Indians are disappointed to find that some of the country's medal-producing disciplines including wrestling, badminton, table tennis, hockey, squash and cricket have been cancelled. Even excluding shooting, which contributed the most to India's total at the Games, the country stood fourth with 61 medals at Birmingham 2022, and 30 came from these six disciplines. India's medal prospects in 2026 will be virtually limited to athletics and para-athletics, weightlifting and para-powerlifting, boxing, judo, bowls and para-bowls. Shooting and wrestling, which featured in most editions barring a few, have not only enriched India's medal kitty but also provided glorious moments for the Games.

Top medalists Jaspal Rana (15), Samaresh Jung (14) and three-time gold-winning wrestlers Sushil Kumar and Vinesh Phogat have etched their names among the all-time greats. Athletes like Abhinav Bindra, Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore and Yogeshwar Dutt have experienced Olympic fame after shining at the Commonwealth Games. The Indian women's hockey team won the gold medal in Manchester in 2002 and wrestler Geeta Phogat's historic gold in Delhi in 2010 inspired the blockbuster films Chak De! India and Dangal respectively. In table tennis, India consistently ranks among the top nations, with many remembering Manika Batra's stunning four-medal display in 2018. Hockey remains an all-time favorite for the Indians, as the country's silver medal debut in women's cricket is celebrated in Birmingham. still fresh in the fans' minds. Shuttlers Saina Nehwal and PV Sindhu and squash players Saurav Ghosal and Dipika Pallikal have ensured that their sport contributes medals regularly. While the organizers' push was understandable following Victoria's withdrawal last year, it would have been wise to include a number of disciplines with significant global appeal as they could have ensured a brighter future for the Games, which began as the British Empire Games in 1930, and now closer to the centenary. Unfortunately, the cost burden has affected the staging of what appears to be a dying spectacle.




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