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Clemson club hockey player receives an invitation to ECHL training camp

Clemson club hockey player receives an invitation to ECHL training camp


Earlier this month, Clemson club hockey player Santiago Diaz received a unique opportunity: an invitation to attend the Greenville Swamp Rabbits (ECHL) training camp for the 2024-2025 season.

My father called it a miracle, Diaz said in an interview with The Tiger.

There is no better word to describe the journey of club hockey players.

From joining the Clemsons club team the year before to playing in a league made up of former NCAA Division I hockey players, some of whom have been drafted to National Hockey League teams, this opportunity is nothing short of miraculous.

Diaz elaborated on the unprecedented invite: Thinking about the likelihood of someone who has never played juniors or even played any type of NCAA hockey getting an invite to training camp is unheard of, he explained.

During this whole process over the last six months of training for this, before I even knew if it would happen, my dad always told me that if it did happen, it was a miracle. Why would a professional team that was at the top of the league last year take a risk on me? It puts it in perspective, and you can often see God's hand in it.

Diaz was a new addition to the Clemson team last season, but he quickly established himself as a key member of the record-breaking team, recording 15 points (eight goals, seven assists) in 16 games.

The 2023-2024 season was Clemson's most successful season in program history. The Tigers placed second in the College Hockey South Division II playoff tournament, which they missed the year before, and advanced to the quarterfinals in their second-ever AAU DII National Tournament appearance.

Diaz credits his former players and coaches, especially at Clemson, for their role in his journey leading up to this unprecedented opportunity. In fact, he believes his brief experience as a Tiger played a prominent role in teaching him what it takes to become a better player.

Every team I have played for, every coach and all my teammates have shaped me into the player I am today, Diaz said. Playing for Clemson last season really showed me the areas I was missing and needed to work on. Because the group of guys was so great, I was also able to increase my confidence and mature mentally in the game.

However, his lifelong career as a hockey player was only half of the reason why Diaz believes he was given this illustrious opportunity. He also attributes it partly to God and a lot of hard work.

Diaz explained the rigorous training camp process: Training camp started (October 5) and technically continues all the way until the season starts on October 18. You have practice and a lift every day, as well as recovery and preparation on the ice with the boys.

It's been great so far. The team is great. From what I understand, guys from Ontario will eventually be sent, and then I'll have a better idea of ​​my chances of making the team. For now, all I can do is perform as best I can every day.

However, the Swamp Rabbits hosted nine players from their American Hockey League affiliate, the Ontario Reign, on October 8. As a result, all players signed for a professional tryout, including Diaz, were released from training camp.

Despite the setback, his confidence and hope for the future refuse to budge.

“I think God still has a story to tell here,” Diaz said. I'm going to get a little better every day and see which doors open and which don't. I'm grateful for the experience, but it's not over yet.




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