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Meridian Golf takes the state title, field hockey earns the top spot in the districts

Meridian Golf takes the state title, field hockey earns the top spot in the districts


It was a roaring success of a week for Meridian Mustang athletics, with plenty of wins all around. Most importantly, the golf team took home the VHSL Class 3 State Championship for the first time in program history, capping off a dream season for the club.

Meanwhile, many other Meridians clubs have also made their schools proud over the past week.

The football team finally got back in the win column and used all the pent-up frustrations from the entire season to blow out Manassas Park 41-0 on Friday night. They will now look to keep that momentum going when they return home to take on Skyline on Friday, still looking for their first home win of the season as they are 2-5 on the year.

Hockey picked up a pair of 2-0 wins in the final week of the regular season, beating Kettle Run on the road last Tuesday and serving Annandale last Thursday. They complete their regular season at 13-2-1, a slight decline from last year's undefeated mark, but nothing to be ashamed of after losing numerous key players from that squad. They now begin play in the district tournament this week with a home game tonight as they look to get back to the state finals.

The boys volleyball club suffered a setback against Langley last Thursday, losing in five sets, but got back into the win column by defeating Marshall on home court in three sets. That puts them at 7-10 on the year after starting 0-7, and they finished their regular season last night in Herndon. Meanwhile, the girls are rolling, beating Manassas Park 3-1 at home last Thursday and then going on the road to beat Skyline 3-0 on Monday. This week, matchups return at home tonight against Skyline as they look to improve on their 11-8 record with the playoffs on the horizon.

Cross country was in action a few times this week, hosting a meet against Liberty High School and Veritas Academy last Wednesday night, and both the boys and girls won. The team honored the seniors during the event, but it was freshman Ellie Barba who carried the torch for the girls by winning their race individually, while the boys took the podium with Kyle Kuck, William Anderson and Noah Stevens. On Saturday, the team competed against more than 30 other schools at the Third Battle Invitational, where Michelle Malherio finished 11th overall and led the girls to a fifth-place finish. The boys were led by Kyle Kuck's individual 50th-place performance to put themselves ahead of a few district rivals, including Brentsville.

Finally, the cheerleader was also busy; they competed last Tuesday at Skyline and Saturday at Brentsville, facing several other schools both times. That concludes their regular season and last night they competed against the rest of their district in the district tournament hosted by Kettle Run.




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