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Wales star was embarrassed on first day in camp as a 'huge punishment' was handed out

Wales star was embarrassed on first day in camp as a 'huge punishment' was handed out


-Credit: (Image: Huw Evans Picture Agency)

-Credit: (Image: Huw Evans Picture Agency)

Alex Cuthbert says a public humiliation at the hands of Dan Biggar on the table tennis table helped introduce him to life on the international stage.

After a promising breakthrough for Wales at sevens level, and also for the University of Wales Institute, CardiffCuthbert earned his first senior international call-up ahead of a clash with Australia in December 2011.

It would lead to the first of 57 caps for his country, with the winger quickly becoming an important player for his country in the following years.

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However, he was clearly taken a few steps back when he made the step up to Test level, including on his first day in the Wales camp.

Speaking about the BBC's Scrum V podcasthe recalled an incident by teammate Biggar, who, it turns out, is adept at table tennis.

“I lived in Roath, a university house full of eight boys, so you can imagine what it was like,” he said.

“I was literally a professional rugby player at the time, living at university. I remember getting the call to come to camp, I think it was a Tuesday, it was a one-off match in the autumn.

“I think it was Shane Williams' last game and I remember walking into the Vale, we were at the top, you know where the training center is.

“So we were all there and I walked in, in front of the whole team. I was obviously late, university, slept in.

“Dreaked up, skimpy in all my UWIC gear, or whatever I left behind. In the room with Shane and like Biggs was there, a lot of other guys, so we walked in.

“Within about five minutes there was a ping-pong table on the left. I thought, 'Okay, I'm just going to mess around with it.'

“Biggs jumped on and said, 'Oh, you want to play a game?' and I was like, 'Oh, are you good?'

“He says, 'Ah, I'm doing well.' I was like, 'happy days.'

As the 34-year-old explains, his confidence was clearly misplaced, and his teammates and members of the coaching staff rallied around to see him demolished by the British and Irish Lion.

“When we went on we were five or six nil up, but I thought, 'Oh, I'm in trouble here',” he added.

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“The guys started crowding around the table a little bit, it became eight or nine. Pretty much the whole team, plus the coaches, everyone was watching. It got to ten and I was shaking. It was 11-0. Done.” Done with me.

“So you can imagine what 11-0 is. Huge punishment for the whole team. And it was 'Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Alex Cuthbert'.

“So yeah, it was an intriguing way to meet the whole team.”




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