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UMaine men's hockey snaps losing streak at Northeastern with 4-1 victory

UMaine men's hockey snaps losing streak at Northeastern with 4-1 victory


The University of Maine hockey team snapped a 14-game losing streak Friday night at Northeastern University's 114-year-old Matthews Arena, grabbing a 2-0 lead along the way on second-period goals 1:19 apart from Thomas Freel and Taylor Makar. to a 4-1 victory.

UMaine had not won on Northeastern's home ice in Boston since Feb. 25, 2012. The Black Bears had a 16-game winless streak there (0-14-2) before finally winning.

It's been 12 years since we last won here and with the rink being demolished (after the season), we wanted to break the curse while we still had a chance, said junior left winger Freel. It's nice to win in our first road game, especially in Hockey East.

The nation's sixth-ranked Black Bears are now 4-0 on the season, while the Huskies fell to 1-3. It was the Hockey East opener for both teams.

It is the first 4-0 start for the Black Bears since the 2006-07 team won its first seven games.

The teams will conclude their series on Saturday at 7 p.m.

The Black Bears protected the 2-0 lead in the third period, putting empty-net goals from Harrison Scott and Nolan Renwick around a goal from NU's Cam Lund.

Albin Boija finished with 24 stops in net for UMaine and Cameron Whitehead had 30 for NU.

UMaine head coach Ben Barr said his team's performance wasn't great, to be honest.

It was good enough to win, but it wasn't pretty, Barr said. We missed a lot of goals in the neutral zone, which led to rushing opportunities for them. And we turned over a lot of pucks.

They are a good team. We need to control the game a little better and our details need to be better tomorrow night. Any road win in Hockey East is tough, so it's a lot of fun to beat a good team on the rink, said Barr, who felt his team played their best hockey in the final ten minutes of the game.

Freel scored his third goal of the season with 7:07 left in the middle period when he took advantage of the rebound of a Brandon Holt shot and swept the puck past NU goalie Whitehead with the Black Bears in control.

It was the junior left wing's third goal of the season and all three have come on the power play.

It wasn't anything pretty, Freel said. Holt made a shot and it bounced off the goal path. I was lucky that I was on the right side, he came to me and I was able to get him in.

Charlie Russell also got an assist.

Senior left wing Makar extended the lead with his fourth of the year when the UMass transfer fired in the rebound of a Russell shot. Jack Dalton also scored an assist.

Scott's empty net goal came with 1:49 remaining, with Freel and Frank Djurasevic earning assists.

NU's Lund scored his third of the campaign 28 seconds later with assists from Vinny Borgesi and Biddeford's Jack Williams and UMaines Renwick grabbed his fourth with 28 seconds left. Renwick's goal came unassisted.

Freel agreed with his coach's assessment that there is a lot of room for improvement, but he also said they have shown they can win when they are not at their best.

You're not always able to play your best game, so you have to be able to get a win, especially on the road, Freel said. That means you did something right. We will take the positives from it and try to be better tomorrow.

Barr said Boija was steady and Makar simple and solid.

(Makar) played big boy hockey and he's a big boy. He's been good, said Barr, who was also impressed with Russell.

He made plays, Barr said.




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