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Men's head coach Stuart Law sacked as American cricket moves into the spotlight

Men's head coach Stuart Law sacked as American cricket moves into the spotlight


Former Australian batsman Stuart Law has been sacked as coach of the US men's national team, as power brokers' attention grows on the ongoing tumult engulfing US cricket.

Law, just six months into a three-year contract, was sacked after the US suffered a 10-wicket thrashing by Scotland in a one-day international qualifier for the 2027 World Cup.

It was a sudden fall from grace for Law, who had overseen the USA's remarkable performance as co-host of the T20 World Cup in June, culminating in a major upset over powerhouse Pakistan in Dallas.

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But the euphoria of that momentous run has quickly faded as on-field performances have plummeted in recent times, while tensions surrounding it have soared. Multiple reports in the US claim this rampant discrimination in the team.

Law, 56, was appointed coach at USA Cricket power brokers in April, hoping his wealth of experience – having guided cricket nations Sri Lanka, West Indies and Bangladesh – would stabilize the national team ahead of the World Cup T20.

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The shocking accusations and resulting accusations have sent shockwaves through American cricket and are the latest wildfire for governing body USA Cricket, which appointed Johnathan Atkeison as CEO in August after a wave of resignations amid high-profile wars.

As I first reported in July, USA Cricket was “put on notice,” a sanction that would bring the governing body closer to a suspension of its membership. “Being put on notice” is like “being rapped on the knuckles,” as described by one experienced administrator.

But the financial strain is being felt as members are suspended and their funding cut off. If USA Cricket fails to comply after one year, it may be suspended and ultimately expelled as a member.

ForbesUS cricket will be put on notice as the spotlight shines on the T20 World Cup finances

It is learned that the state of USA Cricket was discussed at the recent International Cricket Council board meetings, but the USA remains a target market with cricket as part of the Los Angeles Olympics.

As I first reported in April, USA Cricket avoided calls for suspension of some directors of the all-powerful ICC board, with one even demanding a ban.

Its financing was placed under the 'control' of the ICC, which had to make payments on its behalf (using the US share of the ICC's money).

While the tumult continues, confidence remains high towards the moneyed American professional T20 league.

ForbesThe young American Major League cricket is progressing in the right direction despite stadium challenges

Privately owned and not run under the USA Cricket umbrella, the six-team Major League Cricket has had an encouraging first few seasons. Top cricket stars around the world have been lured as the tournament has shown promising signs financially.

“We are still in an investment mode,” Anand Rajaraman, co-owner of San Francisco Unicorns, told me. “I don't think we're anywhere close to breaking even or anything like that.

“It will probably take a few years to get there, but things seem to be going in the right direction. We have done quite well on the sponsorship side and I hope that continues to grow.”

It's a tonic needed for American cricket amid the usual choppy waters in the wake of Law's ouster.




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