UTEP club sports await their moment in the spotlight: The Prospector
UTEP has long been recognized for its commitment to academic excellence.
Additionally, UTEP has always been in the spotlight for its athletics program, but the vibrant club sports scene is trying and trying to make a name for itself.
With a diverse roster of teams and passionate leaders, UTEP's club sports are not only a platform for athletic achievement, but also a way for students to build community and foster leadership skills.
At the helm of this program is Mark Johnson, UTEP's recreational sports coordinator for intramural and club sports. With a deep passion for sports and student involvement, Johnson has been instrumental in promoting club sports on campus.
Our club sports provide students with an invaluable opportunity to pursue their passions while developing skills that extend beyond the playing field, he said. We encourage teamwork, dedication and community involvement.
Johnson says these clubs should be created by students and, when contacted, guides them through the proper steps to make it an official club sport.
One of the notable clubs is the UTEP men's soccer team that was founded five years ago.
Joshua Martinez, a senior majoring in criminal justice, joined the team in January and now leads them as president and team captain.
To this day, I take it seriously, Martinez said. We work hard every day and try to improve our organization as much as possible.
Martinez says one of the biggest and most difficult goals the club has to achieve is creating a connection with the city. He stressed the importance of connecting with them, especially as it is a border town with a large Spanish population and a potentially large football fan base.
That's the biggest challenge we still have to overcome, but it's not impossible to do so, Martinez said. We work extremely hard to bring the talent and passion that football lovers and adoring fans want to see at the professional level, we compete, we train and we live it day in and day out.
However, like all club sports at UTEP, the men's soccer team faces financial challenges. Because the university does not provide funding for club sports, they rely heavily on their own funding to cover tournament costs, equipment and uniforms.
We were actually a bit on our own. It's quite a challenge, Martinez said. We have no sponsorship; we don't have partner agencies that can take us to that next level.
The men's volleyball team is another vibrant part of UTEP's club sports.
Tyler Darrow, a freshman studying psychology, founded the club with a friend in June after playing in other volleyball clubs. Darrow subsequently took on the responsibility as club president.
This is to bond and make new friends, Darrow said. It is also our desire to bring this to the collegiate level, where it is an NCAA sport, because the growth of men's volleyball has been very slow.
Like their football counterparts, the volleyball team faces similar funding hurdles, making their fundraising efforts critical to continuing their season. Darrow explained that they are hoping to get funding to register for their first tournament.
I think we're looking forward to it in Fort Worth. It is our conference tournament for the fall, but I believe it is the only one we will attend, Darrow said. We all had to save our own money to get this going.
Finally, the table tennis club, led by Andre Torres, a senior studying electrical engineering. Like Darrow, Torres helped found the club and now serves with the club as president and coach.
Torres discussed how some people may not realize the seriousness of the sport because of its reputation. The problem with table tennis is that most people don't know it's a sport, Torres said. They don't understand how difficult it actually is to play because they don't understand the difference between table tennis and ping pong.
The success of UTEP's club sports is not just about winning, but also about creating a supportive and engaging environment for students.
As these leaders continue to inspire their teams, the future of UTEP club sports looks bright. Whether on the soccer field, volleyball court, table tennis arena or one of the many other sports clubs such as rugby and ice hockey, these clubs are building a legacy of camaraderie and competition that enriches the UTEP experience.
As the fall semester progresses, UTEP's club sports are gearing up for a series of competitions that promise to showcase not only the athletic prowess of their members, but also the community spirit that defines this dynamic program.
With leaders like Johnson, Martinez, Darrow and Torres at the forefront, UTEP club sports will soar to new heights as they navigate the financial landscape that comes with self-financing.
Adam Regalado is the multimedia editor for The Prospector and can be reached at [email protected]
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