College Football Playoff rankings projection after Week 11 upsets
Members of the College Football Playoff selection committee will face a dilemma when it comes to dealing with Georgia.
Third in the season's debut playoff rankings, the Bulldogs were outplayed on both sides of the ball, dropping a 28-10 decision to Mississippi for a second loss in SEC play. This will move Texas and Tennessee up the rankings as the current league leaders.
How far Georgia falls Tuesday night will depend on how the committee weighs the team's reputation against the results on the field.
The two losses have come against teams with identical records: Alabama and the Rebels. Both losses came on the road, with the latter being more convincing. The head-to-head results do matter to the committee, believe it or not, and they could choose to put the Bulldogs behind both teams.
But Georgia pulled off that win against Texas, one of the best wins by any team in the Bowl Subdivision this season. Ultimately, look for the Bulldogs to be behind the Tide but ahead of the Rebels. This is what the second ranking of the year should look like:
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1. Oregon (10-0)
Oregon is a clear number 1 with no competition for the top spot. Wins against Ohio State and Boise State come with a dominant run through the Big Ten. The Ducks have won five in a row and six of seven in conference play by 21 or more points. A loss in their final two games could knock them out of the Big Ten title game, depending on how the tiebreakers go.
2. Ohio State (8-1)
The Buckeyes finally had an easy game after three straight games decided by one possession. Saturday's 45-0 win against Purdue marks Ohio States' second shutout this year for a defense that ranks first nationally in fewest yards allowed per play. In total, the Buckeyes have given up 96 points in nine games, including 32 in the loss to Oregon.
3. Texas (8-1)
Texas takes over as the top-ranked team in the SEC and has a wider path to reaching the conference championship game as Georgia's head-to-head tiebreaker is negated by Saturday's loss. It's worth noting that the Longhorns won't have a single win against ranked teams on Tuesday night and only have two wins against teams with a winning record in Colorado State and Vanderbilt. That means the finale against Texas A&M could send the winner to the SEC title game and the loser out of the playoffs altogether.
4. Penn State (8-1)
Penn State bounced back from a disappointing loss at home to Ohio State by rolling up nearly 500 yards of offensive margin in a 35-6 win against Washington. This was the first wire-to-wire win for the Nittany Lions since beating UCLA in early October and will be a great reminder to the selection committee of how good this team can be when the offense and defense work together.
5. Tennessee (8-1)
The win against Alabama in recent months will be a tough blow for Tennessee, especially if it loses to Georgia on Saturday. That would drop the Volunteers into the overall mix, with not much on the resume other than that loss to the Crimson Tide. But beating Georgia would send Tennessee to the SEC title game, barring a collapse against Vanderbilt in the season finale.
6. Indiana (10-0)
Indiana looked mortal for the first time this season while battling Michigan, though the Hoosiers ultimately held on for a 20-15 win. The committee might have been tempted to put Brigham Young ahead of Indiana if the Cougars had rolled over Utah in the Holy War, but the Cougars narrowly pulled off a pretty controversial 22-21 victory.
7. Brigham Young (9-0)
The lack of style points could become a problem down the road if BYU fails to win the Big 12. That's just one of three things to keep in mind as the regular season comes to a close. Another example is a resume that currently has three wins against teams with a winning record, although two are against SMU and Kansas State. BYU could add another on Nov. 23 against Arizona State. The third is the logjam of two-loss teams behind BYU in the Big 12 standings and at the back of the playoff rankings. Based on last week's top 25, it's clear the committee views the conference as the weakest in the Power Four. That creates a plausible scenario in which the Cougars win 12-0 but lose the Big 12 title game and miss out on an at-large bid.
8. Notre Dame (8-1)
Notre Dame with one loss would be a lock for an at-large bid. But finishing the season undefeated could be more difficult than expected. Virginia just surpassed Pittsburgh and has made huge gains under coach Tony Elliott. The military is capable of milking the clock and complicating matters, although the Irish did not fight a similar opponent in the Navy. And Southern California could be sparked by a quarterback switch to backup Jayden Maiava.
9. Alabama (7-2)
By far the best performance of the Kalen DeBoer era changes the complexion of Alabama's season. By destroying LSU 42-13, the Crimson Tide jumped back into a great position in the overall race with three games to go, all likely wins: Mercer, Oklahoma and Auburn. An earlier win against Georgia and quality defeats of Missouri and South Carolina are also big pluses.
10. Georgia (7-2)
Miami doesn't have the top wins to match what Georgia brings to the table and has suffered multiple double-digit deficits this season, but the Hurricanes record and wins against four teams with a winning record could give them a very slim lead . That's hard to imagine. This spot should still go to the Bulldogs considering the wins against Texas and Clemson. Mississippi will make a nice rise in the rankings after being No. 16 last week. Rising all the way here would be too big a step, though.
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