Sathiyan and Swastika win individual titles
The 51st Institutional Table Tennis Championships at Panjab University's Gymnasium Hall concluded with Swastika Ghosh being crowned the new women's singles champion and G. Sathiyan claiming his fourth men's singles title.
Sathiyan, who previously won in 2014, 2016 and 2017, fought hard for this victory and achieved a thrilling 4-3 (6-11, 14-12, 11-6, 9-11, 12-10, 11-13, 12-10) win against Manav Thakkar in the final,
This was an intense final that stretched all the way to the deciding game where Manav saved two game points to force a deuce. But he failed to continue this and Sathiyan won the match 12-10.
These extended matches highlighted their ruthless determination and kept the crowd, divided in support, captivated throughout.
With this win, PSPB's Sathiyan Gnanasekran walked away with Rs. 1.12 lakh, while his fellow PSPB teammate Manav earned Rs. 46,000 for his silver medal.
In the semi-final, Sathiyan completed a six-match win against RBI's Manush Shah 4-2. Despite Manush's strong rhythm, Sathiyan's strategic play won the win. Sathiyan's 4-2 victory secured his place in the final.
In the other semi-final, Manav triumphed 4-2 against teammate Sourav Saha. Despite trailing 1-2, Manav made it 2-2 and finished the match with two close scores in the following games.
Swastika upset Sreeja to clinch the singles title
Swastika was in her element today, showing a carefree approach in the final against Sreeja, the host's best hope of disrupting AAI women's title ambitions and maximum ranking points.
Although Swastika started poorly, she bravely countered Sreeja's unconventional style and use of pimpled rubber with sharp forehands to take a 2-1 lead. However, she faltered in the fourth game and let an 8-3 lead slip away, including a game point, as Sreeja staged a comeback to win 12-10.
In the next game, Sreeja had a slight advantage, but the game kept changing hands. The RBI woman couldn't break Swastika's defense and strong forehand, allowing her to hold the trophy with one hand and providing momentum.
With renewed confidence, she dominated the final match to win her first major title, the Rs. 1.12 lakh prize and 120 crucial points. Sreeja earned half the prize money for her efforts.
In the semi-final, Sreeja overcame a challenge in the first game and won the match in consecutive matches against RBI's Diya Chitale, advancing to the final. In contrast, the second semi-final saw intense drama as Swastika and Krittwika fought fiercely.
With a 2-0 lead in the match, Swastika allowed her rival to equalize. However, she regained control and finished the match by winning the next two games comfortably.
Swastika misses the double gold
Swastika Ghosh of Airport Authority of India (AAI) teamed up with Oishiki Joardar in the women's doubles final, outplayed by Tanesha Kotecha and Jennifer Varghese of Maharashtra, to settle for the silver medal.
On the other hand, Akash Pal and Ronit Bhanja of Railways triumphed over Sanil Shetty and Soumyajit Ghosh of PSPB in a thrilling match (3-2: 1-4, 11-8, 8-11, 5-11, 12-10) to to win the men's doubles title.
At 9-all in the decider it was anyone's game, but Akash Pal sealed the win for the pair with a stunning shot to Sanil's right, saving a match point and clinching the title.
In the mixed doubles, Manush Shah teamed up with Diya Chitale to register a 3-1 (8-11, 11-2, 11-8, 12-10) victory over Yashaswini Ghorpade and Harmeet Desai of PSPB. Despite taking an early lead, the PSPB duo faltered, with only the fourth game offering a real challenge.
Earlier, Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB) clinched the men's team title, while the women's team titles went in favor of Petroleum Sports Promotion Board (PSPB).
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