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Quimper Cornouaille takes down the leader in a twisty evening – quimper – table tennis

Quimper Cornouaille takes down the leader in a twisty evening – quimper – table tennis


Quimper Cornouaille TT delivered an exciting encounter against the leader of Pro A Women, Poitiers, on Tuesday evening. After a series of three consecutive victories and 12 points out of 12, the Quimprooises were left with a bitter summer defeat, the Cornouaillaises eager to return to victory at their level. The task promised to be tough against a Poitou team with six wins in seven days. This 9-day meeting got off to a bad start for the locals, as Isa Cok, French number 34, lost to the formidable Jiaduo Wu, number 20. Despite fierce opposition, especially in the second set (11-13), they succeeded the Breton failed to turn the match in its favor. Guys, Quimper could count on its experienced player, Marie Migot, to try to turn the tide. Facing her former club and opponent Andra Todorovic, the Finistrian put up a fierce fight that took her to the decisive round. In unbearable tension, Migot took the victory (11-9), which earned his team a precious point.

Upon returning from the locker room, a dramatic incident disrupted the course of the match. Jianan Yuan, the Poitou leader and French n1, had to withdraw due to a shoulder injury. The player seemed less good during the warm-up and could not play more than one set against Emmanuelle Lennon. This unexpected package presented Quimper with a golden opportunity to secure a second point. The Cornish women, stimulated by this turnaround, were able to seize their opportunity and take overall victory. In the fourth round, Isa Cok recorded another victory in three sets without losing a single set, dominating Serbian Andra Todorovic 3-0.

This victory over the leader is a real achievement for Quimper Cornouaille TT. They take advantage of this victory to gain two places in the rankings. Next Thursday, Manu Palud's players will continue in the sports hall with a meeting against Jou les Tours, another team that occupies the podium. Building on this victory, the Cornish women will head into the next match with more confidence and will now look to confirm these results and remain high in the rankings.

The results of the meetings

0-1. Isa Cok Jiaduo Wu: 0-3 (7-11, 11-13, 4-11)
1-1.Marie Migot Andrea Todorovic: 3-2 (10-12, 11-9, 8-11, 11-8, 11-9).
2-1.Emmanuelle Lennon Jianan Yuan: 3-0 (forfeit).
3-1. IsaCok Andrea Todorovic: 3-0 (11-7, 11-7, 11-4).




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