Choi Jung-Wha shares how Cici identifies, celebrates the cultural influencers of Korea
By Pyo Kyung-Min
“I believe that the true, most beautiful image of Korea looks like the white porcelain Maanpot from the (1392-1910) Joseon Kingdom era-de Culture and the people of this country share charms that are simple but elegant, luxurious without extravagance,” ” Choi Jung-Wha, president of the Corea Image Communication Institute (CICI), said during an interview with the Korea Times, December 5.
As Choi puts it, the essence of Korean beauty lies in its 'harmonious mix of tradition and modernity', defined by perseverance, innovation and calm passion.
According to Choi, this understanding of the Korean beauty is what the mission of CICI is to be paramount in promoting the positive image of the nation abroad.
Under the leadership of Choi since its foundation in 2003, CICI has worked to increase the global presence of Korea, with many of its initiatives-included recognition of performance, although prices and promoting collaborations by opinating forums-the cultivation of intercultural Tires for more than 20 years.
“Our goal is to become a bridge – connect Korea with the world and the world with Korea,” she said. “Through culture, innovation and cooperation, we want to resonate the charm of Korea Wijd and Zijd.”
In particular, the flagship initiative, the Korea Image Awards, highlighted individuals and organizations that have illustrated the Korean spirit on the world stage since 2005.
From the Uitreen van Ban Ki-Moon a prize during his term of office as UN Secretary General to honoring the renowned artificial skater Kim Yuna twice for 16 years, Choi remembered that each ceremony told a story about the evolving impact of Korea.
“The prices are intended to emphasize the positive essence of Korea and to share his true image with the world,” said Choi. “Prices strengthen the performance of the recipients, while also creating a sense of pride on Koreans.”
According to Choi, recipients of the Korea Image Awards of each year are awarded to individuals or organizations who “have contributed considerably to promoting the Koreas image in the course of a year.”
Recipients are first put on the shortlist through a study of 3,000 Koreans and 2,000 people abroad. Based on this list, a panel of experts selects the winners, taking into account the overall time -needed. The expert panel consists of opinion leaders from different areas, both Korean and international, including companies, academic world, culture and art, journalism and digital makers.
After a rigorous selection process, the Honorees for the next 2025 Korea Image Awards-the 21st edition of the event since the founding Fencer Oh Sang-Uk for the Korea Image Steping Stone Award, Chef Edward Lee for the Korea Image Stone Bridge Award and Table tennis player Shin Yu-Bin for the Korea Image Flowerstone Award. The award ceremony, which will be attended by all three AWARDEES, is planned for January 15.
“All three winners expressed enormous joy and gratitude and called it an honor and a motivator to strive for larger achievements,” Choi remembered, praising the recipients of the prize.
“OH's exceptional skills, charismatic appearance and warm personality added to his widespread attraction, while chef Lee, despite being an American citizen, investigated his Korean heritage by creative use of Korean ingredients, which led the global interest in Korean food,” said them.
“Shin's characteristic 'tjilpening' cheers during Olympic competitions just charming the worldwide audience, standing up as a fresh face for Korean sport … That is why I am particularly delighted to grant this year's three recipients for their hard work.”
Cici is also planning to bring special tribute to all translators of Korean literary works during the event, inspired by the ungrown heroes behind novel Han Kang's recent winning of the Nobel Prize in the literature, the first for a Korean.
Permanent network
As a non -profit foundation, Cici works together with a wide range of sponsors to put together meaningful prizes for its price recepers. According to Choi, the gifts are selected in consultation with the long -standing sponsors of CICI to ensure that they are well received.
“For 2025 the prices include an Olympic gold coin from Paris, supplied by Poontsan, outerwear from brand Castelbajac, high-end speakers from Orfeo, Skin Care and Cosmetics sets from L'Real, Lifestyle and Beauty sets from AMC Asia and so much more and more and more and more So much more and so much more, “said Choi.
“Moreover, the personalized works of art by sculptor Hwang Hae-Sun with the names of the winners will also be presented, in addition to selected pieces that are available for auction during the day of the event, including donations by painter Bang Ui-Geol.”
By expressing deep gratitude to the sponsors, Choi said: “Their generosity enables us to honor the recipients of this year's prices with these beautiful gifts.”
According to her president, cicis -acquiring partnerships were built on a basis of meaningful involvement that extends far beyond his prizes. Such a program is the Korea or forum, launched in 2006, which offers foreign diplomats, CEOs, artists and academic experiences with Korean culture.
This spirit of cooperation has also earned CICI steadfast support from large sponsors such as Pernod Ricard Korea and Korean air, whose contributions have been crucial in supporting the mission of CICI.
“Two-way interaction is the key,” said Choi. “We not only present Korea outside, but also offer platforms for our international members to share their cultures and ideas … I believe this is the reason why global companies have chosen to support us – because they have our vision Share to become a bridge between the two. “
Looking ahead, CICI is currently investigating various platforms to present Korea. During the Pandemie, Choi adapted by launching a YouTube channel to support his mission of cultural promotion.
“We want to use emerging platforms to creatively involve the public and make Korea more accessible to the global community … This is because our mission is to serve as a connector between Korea and the global community, regardless of every platform,” Choi said .
“Although we are happy that Korea can be elevated to such a stage, where people from abroad deliberately look for our content, we should not be contempt. That is why we intend to experiment on broader platforms.”
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