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England and New Zealand Cricket histories come together in New Test Trophy – News

England and New Zealand Cricket histories come together in New Test Trophy – News


The legendary history of two traditional cricket power patters has come together in the new trophy that is awarded to the winner of their test series.

Before the first match of their 2024 test series started at the end of November in Christchurch, New Zealand, England and New Zealand unveiled the new Crowe-Thorpe Trophy, which goes to the winner of the test series between the two countries.

The trophy avoids the usual metalwork and is made of two cricket bats instead: one used by the New Zealand cricket player Martin Crowe to score a century against England in 1994, and another used by the English Batsman Graham Thorpe for two centuries to score against the kiwis in 1997. Designed by Mori artist David Ngawati, the bats were formed into a single trophy with a smooth native design, placed on a chestnut-brown wooden base and input with round pieces of jade or jade or bottle sizeIn Mori on either side.

Politeness The guardian

It is a highlight, the highest mountain or the highest vantage point, and its basis is the basis at which they can reach the highest point, Ngawati told. The guardian. So that in particular includes their family members on each side, their clubs, their community, everyone who supported them, and for them forms the basis to go up the mountain, to walk the path to the highest performance. The pounamu is really the top place for us, the precious jewel in the mountain.

Ngawati also told The Guardian that the process of making the trophy took about a month, starting with a conversation with New Zealand Cricket about the design. The national cricket board then contacted the families of the two cricket players whose bats form the trophy, and once they were purchased, Ngawati started making the trophy.

It was a long process for New Zealand Cricket to talk to Graham's wife about obtaining the bat, said Ngawati. Thorpe died in August 2024. They are still in the grieving process, right? It is still early for them in this regard. We were just very grateful that they had given us their confidence, that we could create a beautiful trophy and be a tribute to both of them.

There is a lot of depth in it, a lot is being thought about. Many conversations can take place. I am a bit of a recluse, so I sat down with this trophy and went through a very long process with it. I have received these two bats and I actually have to see them as weapons, the weapons they used to fight against the different countries. To have those bats, it also contains a process. I talk to them, I feel the energy that is there, I smell the sweat and feel my senses. ”

The English team is on the first day of the first test match between England and New Zealand in Christchurch next to the Crowe-Thorpe Trophy. (Courtness The guardian)

Crowe died in 2016 after a fight with lymphoma.

Ngawati also created the Tangwai-shieldThat goes to the winner from the TOOT between New Zealand and South Africa, and he told The Guardian that he is working with Cricket New Zealand on other projects.

England takes the Crowe-Thorpe Trophy back on the pond after winning the first two test matches in the series of three games, the first with eight wickets and the second in Wellington with 323 runs. The third game starts on Friday, December 13 in Setton Park in Hamilton, New Zealand.




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