El Pasoan inducted into the Texas Tennis Coaches Association Hall of Fame
EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) Meet Mike Bezemek, head coach of the Socorro High School tennis team.
Last weekend, he became just the second El Pasoan ever to be inducted into the Texas Tennis Coaches Association Hall of Fame.
Although Coach knew he was being inducted months ago, he says he didn't know if he belonged there when he first heard the news.
I learned it in July and my first night in my head was: I don't belong there. I'm the only coach in the Hall of Fame who never wanted a district title, the sport struggled for a while at Socorro High School and When tennis isn't usually a sport that does very well, but I went in with two people who were so qualified. I wasn't sure if I belonged to that group. But the people in power who elected me said so, Bezemek said.
Bezemek began his local career as a tennis coach in 1990 at Ysleta Junior High.
There he started a high school tennis program, despite there being no high school tennis in El Paso at all.
Tennis is socio-economic. The more money you have, the better off you are. And the reason wealthier families do better at tennis is because they start their kids younger. And so I didn't think that was fair. I didn't start high school. I started in high school. So I wanted to give regular kids the opportunity to play tennis at a younger age, Bezemek said.
His generosity hardly ended there.
From 1993-1995, Bezemek worked at Vista Hills Country Club, where he provided free tennis lessons to underprivileged children.
From 1996-2000 he gave life to another tennis program, this time at Bel Air High School.
Since 2000, he has found a home at Socorro High School, where he is not only the head coach but also oversees the high school program, which he, of course, started.
During his 24 years as Bulldog head coach, he has mentored 21 student-athletes who went on to play at the collegiate level.
He still keeps in touch with each of them, and they are all successful graduates.
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