Brevard Zoo announces the passing of “Cricket,” the patriarch of the Cotton-Top Tamarin
Cricket was diagnosed with diabetes in 2022
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA Brevard Zoo shares with sadness that Cricket, their 23-year-old cotton tamarin patriarch, passed away on November 23.
According to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the average lifespan of cotton tamarins is about 12 years, making crickets' lifespans exceptionally long.
“While we will miss Cricket, we are proud of our excellent animal welfare standards and dedicated animal care teams, which allowed Cricket to thrive for so long into its golden years,” a Brevard Zoo spokesperson said.
Cricket faced many health problems in his later years, including being diagnosed with diabetes in 2022.
During this time, our team moved quickly to assess and treat this life-threatening diagnosis with modified diets, appropriate medications, and attentive care.
Last summer we were thrilled to discover that Cricket had gone into remission from diabetes, but a few months later it returned.
Over the past year, Cricket also began experiencing periods of lethargy, unsteadiness, weight loss and other abnormal behavior. The Brevard Zoo care team continued to make adjustments, such as habitat changes, to keep him more comfortable.
In early November, Cricket's health deteriorated significantly, and his animal care team initiated hourly checks to observe him more closely. Unfortunately, after appropriate dietary changes, medical treatments and numerous exams, Cricket succumbed to his ailments.
His necropsy revealed abnormalities in his liver, gallbladder, kidneys, adrenal glands and stomach. We hope to learn more from histopathology, or the microscopic examination of the cells of organs.
Cricket will be remembered by his animal care team for his calm yet confident nature and his role as a caring father and loving partner to our cotton tamarin matriarch, Luna.
Cricket had the sweetest soul, said Rainforest Revealed Area supervisor Grace.
The Rainforest Revealed team often observed Rudy, one of Cricket's eldest sons, who nursed Cricket and cared for him in his old age. Cricket always made sure that all of his sons were taken care of too, but when the younger boys got a little too rambunctious, Cricket would head out for some alone time with Luna. The two enjoyed napping in the sun together, Grace noted.
Cricket also had a deep and meaningful bond with his caretakers, which will long outlast his physical presence on this earth.
Every time I trained him, or even talked to him at snack time, he would always so deliberately look into my eyes and squeak softly in response, Grace said. I'll never forget it.
The flock of cotton tamarins has been doing well since the crickets passed by. However, we do expect that there will be plans to establish another breeding pair of this critically endangered species in our zoo. This could mean some current male troop members moving to other zoos to potentially start their own families as part of AZA's Species Survival Plan (SSP). It has been our privilege to welcome a number of cotton tamarin babies over the years, helping to build a genetically diverse population of this species and ensuring their long-term survival.
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