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Table tennis: the Nmes-Montpellier Alliance takes a big step towards qualifying for the quarter-finals of the Champions League

Table tennis: the Nmes-Montpellier Alliance takes a big step towards qualifying for the quarter-finals of the Champions League


Champions League / Round of 16 first leg. The brothers Lebrun and Esteban Dorr missed no opportunity for the Austrians from Wels, who lost 3-0. The second leg will take place on December 22 in Austria.

For the return of the Champions League to the heart of the Mosson district, 11 years after the epic of the MHSC footballers, the Alliance Nmes Montpellier pulled out all the stops at the Palais des sports Pierre-de-Coubertin. Flix and Alexis Lebrun were always ready to let the colors of their club fly and enchanted the room with their talent.

And even though the stands were not full, far from it, the presentation of the table tennis players had its effect. Not quite what the crowd in Montpellier experienced during the WTT Champions of Montpellier won by Flix Lebrun in the Sud de France Arena, but still. Lights out, phones flashing and athletes enter Jump by Van Halen followed by Eye of Tiger by Survivor, the crowd loved it. And the applause was of course applauded by the Lebrun brothers.

The show was also there and especially around the table. Flix Lebrun opened the ball by losing the first set of the eighth finals of the Champions League against the Austrians of Wels. But the world number 4 pin holder reigned supreme by winning the next three (3-1).

Alexis Lebrun: “There are still beautiful things to live for”

In the crowd, his brother Alexis gave no quarter in Hauts-de-Massane. He crushed his opponent in three well-executed rounds (3-0). To finish the job, Esteban Dorr dominated Maltese Felix Wetzel despite a second round finish that left his opponent behind (3-1). With one foot in the quarter-finals, Lebrun and company will travel to Wels in northern Austria on December 22 to validate their qualification.

“It's always a pleasure to see the Montpellier crowd again, even if there were fewer people this time, underlined Alexis Lebrun. We had a very good match together. The entire team is involved, which allowed us to give the best of ourselves. We still have great things to experience before the end of the year: the last championship matches and the second leg in the Champions League. We can't wait to play these games before we enjoy the holidays.”




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