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Monstrous 'crab-like' robot plays table tennis against Olympic medalist

Monstrous 'crab-like' robot plays table tennis against Olympic medalist


Silver medal-winning Olympic table tennis player Miwa Harimoto recently had her skills tested by a robot called FORPHEUS at a semiconductor event in Tokyo. This state-of-the-art robot, developed by the Omron Corporation, stole the show at the Semicon Japan exhibition at Tokyo Big Sight on December 13.

FORPHEUS is the 9th generation of its kind and has been steadily improved over the years, so much so that Harimoto struggled to keep up with the robot during a rally. According to Omron, the robot's name combines 'For' with the name for the Greek hero and symbol of human creativity, 'Orpheus'.

Harimoto was surprised and impressed by FORPHEUS' table tennis capabilities in every respect. I was really surprised, she said after the match.

No mistakes were made or played [stably]so I thought the technology was incredible. I had to work somewhat hard because I felt like I had to give back all the recordings,” she added.

FORPHEUS the table tennis robot

FORPHEUS uses three cameras and a set of sensors placed in an array above the table. This setup allows the robot to detect and track the position of the ball and the opponent in real time.

Using this data, the robot's 'brain' can then calculate the likely trajectory of the ball and move the paddle to intercept it. The robot also integrates generative artificial intelligence (AI) so that it can talk to its opponent.

If you'd like to watch the match for yourself, we've embedded the video below. However, please note that the video is Japanese.

By all accounts, Omron's improvements to the robot have proven to be very successful for a robot intended as a teacher and not an Olympic challenger.

During the demonstration in Tokyo, the robot even complimented its opponent, saying, “It looks like you are an experienced table tennis player.”

The competition between the robot and Harimoto started at a slow pace, but the speed of the game gradually increased to push both competitors to their limits. For the most part, FORPHEUS was more than a match for Harimoto; it struggled to return smash shots from the Olympian.

Getting better with every generation

The company behind it FORPHEUS is better known for its health-related products, such as thermometers and scales. However, it also offers a range of industrial machines designed to help automate production lines.

With this goal in mind, and as a marketing ploy, Omron began developing FORPHEUS in 2012 and debuted in China (the spiritual home of table tennis). Since then, several teams have been working behind the scenes to incrementally improve the robot.

This has led to a new generation being released every year or two. The latest version has been improved to be able to return underspin shots.

Harimoto also advised that firing shots with more spin would allow Forpheus to become an even stronger player. Going forward, Omron will undoubtedly take her suggestions to heart to further refine and improve FORPHEUS' future interactions.

Maybe, just maybe, they'll even be able to solve the apparent inability to handle strong returns from human players.




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