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Fans cornering Olympic champion Fan Zhendong in hotel sparks debate over respecting boundaries

Fans cornering Olympic champion Fan Zhendong in hotel sparks debate over respecting boundaries


Illustration: Liu Xiangya/GT

Illustration: Liu Xiangya/GT

In the early hours of Sunday, Chinese Olympic table tennis champion Fan Zhendong posted a video on his personal Sina Weibo account, along with a heartfelt message: “Thank you all for your support, but there are better ways and occasions to show this. Stay tuned stay true to your path and respect the boundaries of others. I sincerely ask for the fans' understanding and respect.” The video shows throngs of fans holding their phones and crowding around waiting outside an elevator to take photos and videos of Fan. The post quickly sparked discussions online about the reasonable boundaries between celebrities and fans.

Fan's call is a renewed call to reduce the negative impact of irrational fan culture on athletes and the sports industry, while pushing people to find solutions to inappropriate behavior that undermines the well-being of athletes and the sports industry at large.

The sports arena is a sacred place for hard work and determination, not a stage for irrational fan culture and blatant invasions of athletes' privacy. Allowing athletes to focus on their sports and careers is the expectation of all fans and the basis for the sustainable and healthy development of Chinese sports.

Many rational fans expressed their support for Fan and responded to his message: “Meeting on the field is the right way and the best support. Please give athletes the respect they deserve.” “We hope everyone can be rational when attending competitions, maintain normal social distance and not disturb athletes too much,” said another Sina Weibo user.

On Saturday night, during a group match in the 2024 China Table Tennis Super League, the 27-year-old Fan had come from behind to beat Lin Shidong 3-1 in a thrilling showdown in central China's Hunan province.

However, after the match, Fan was surrounded and chased by fans at the hotel elevator, making it difficult for him to leave. He later took to social media in the evening to appeal to fans for understanding and respect. In the following match on Sunday morning, Fan lost 0-3 to Xu Yingbin.

Fan's message is not just a personal plea, but a broader reminder to think about fan culture. A rational and inclusive atmosphere for spectators is encouraged, one that returns the sport to its core values ​​of sportsmanship, perseverance and unity.

This isn't the first time Fan has taken to social media to urge fans to be respectful.

In March, Fan posted a statement via Sina Weibo, calling on fans not to violate his privacy after someone allegedly spread his personal ID number on the Internet, seriously violating his right to privacy.

Fan said in an interview with China Central Television after the Paris Olympics that he was bothered by the “fan culture.” “Too much attention is paid to matters outside the field, which creates a lot of pressure. Sometimes it feels like losing a match isn't acceptable, but even winning doesn't seem to be enough. This does not benefit me, the team, table tennis or unity among everyone: it is completely harmful,” he said.

Distorted fan culture stems from the entertainment industry and involves irrational and obsessive behavior from fans towards their idols. This includes arbitrary invasions of the idol's privacy, imposing personal expectations on them, and taking inappropriate actions against fans of other celebrities. Such behavior not only damages the athletes' public image, but also misuses public resources.

China's national terams in table tennis, swimming, skating and more are some of the celebrities often plagued by fanatical consumption, as athletes face paparazzi-like surveillance and criticism from fans, which affects their concentration on can undermine their performance. and improvement.

This pressing issue exposes regulatory gaps and a lack of healthy fan engagement. Addressing this issue requires collaboration between fans, athletes, organizations and media to promote a healthier and more respectful sports culture.

As the commercialization of sports grows, pressure increases on athletes to cater to their fan bases and public images, leading to a more performance-driven, sensational culture. Marketing strategies often focus on athletes' personalities rather than their athletic skills, which can blur the lines between sports and entertainment.

Creating diverse fan engagement opportunities that focus on different aspects of the sport, such as team dynamics, tactical analysis and historical performance, can help balance fans' interests. This will help dilute the focus on individual athletes and promote a broader appreciation of the sport.

Social media platforms and fan communities need to be better regulated to prevent cyberbullying, extreme behavior and the spread of misinformation. Establishing clear codes of conduct for fans and holding online platforms accountable for allowing irrational behavior can reduce distorted fan culture.

Additionally, the media must take steps to reduce their celebrity-driven reporting. By promoting players' athleticism, skills and hard work, rather than creating a spectacle around their personal lives, the narrative can be reoriented to one of professional respect.

The author is a reporter at the Global Times. [email protected]




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