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More arrests possible after stray bullet death of teenage hockey player

More arrests possible after stray bullet death of teenage hockey player


The St. Louis area hockey community continues to cope with the shocking death of the beloved high school student. Meanwhile, a suspect remains in custody and is facing charges.

MARYLAND HEIGHTS, Mo. The St. Louis hockey community continues to cope with the death of Colin Brown, a beloved CBC High School and Affton Americans hockey player. Meanwhile, a recently arrested suspect remains in custody.

Garrett Jordan, 26, was arrested in connection with Colin's death, according to court documents filed Friday. He faces multiple charges, including first-degree murder.

A hockey mom told 5 On Your Side's Annie Krall on Saturday that losing such a talented athlete at the age of 16 was far too short a life.

Related: How cell phone data and surveillance video led to arrest in Colin Brown's murder

On November 23, Colin was struck by stray gunfire while driving home from a hockey game on Interstate 55 near Loughborough Avenue.

Court documents show there is evidence that multiple shooters fired, although the catalyst is unknown.

“You have theories of trading with another person and also theories of transferred intent,” St. Louis Circuit Attorney Gabe Gore said at a news conference Friday.

Documents explain how police traced Jordan's phone location data to the scene of the shooting, although Gore said on December 13 that more arrests may be made.

“If you look at the probable cause statement, it doesn't say probable cause anywhere in the statement [Jordan’s] the shooter,” Gore said.

A bullet to the neck next to his father, retired Illinois State Police Lt. Col. Calvin Brown, would end Colin's life four days later.

Related: Community honors the life of a teenage St. Louis hockey player cut short by a stray bullet

Imperial hockey mom Tiffany Renfro recalled when she heard the news.

“I just had a heart attack,” Renfro told Krall at the Centene Community Ice Center on Saturday.

Renfro attends youth games every weekend, including a double header on Dec. 14, while her eight-year-old son Bobby Renfro aspires to play high school hockey like Colin, or even beyond.

“You see all these little kids running around, they all have a future,” Renfro said. “Maybe it's not even for hockey. It could be for something else. I didn't really know him other than he was a hockey player. But he wanted to move on and do other things. He had dreams and goals. To know that if You look at all those young hockey players, you don't know what's going to happen.”

Don Arias, the director of Affton Americans U16 Hockey, has unpacked what lies ahead, especially considering Colin was part of their team and also played for CBC.

“It's still a long way to go when it comes to the criminal side because it has to go to trial,” Arias said. 'We don't know what will happen there. I am hopeful that he will be prosecuted for the crimes and action against Colin.”

“It was the wrong place, the wrong time,” Renfro said. “It's heartbreaking.”

Police said they are not ruling out the possibility of more charges against Jordan in the future.

On Friday, a 22nd Judicial Circuit judge in the city of St. Louis issued an arrest warrant for another man who filed a drug abuse charge on Nov. 20.

The judge said the arrest warrant and bail revoked for this second man's case were a result of the murder charges against Jordan in connection with Colin's death.




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