College hockey player is suing MSU rival after a violent blow left her unconscious on the ice
GRAND RAPIDS, MI A former Adrian College women's hockey player is suing a Michigan State University rival for what she called a violent, prohibited body check that caused her to fall to the ice and lose consciousness.
Kathleen Droba, a resident of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, is suing Sydney Crawford, of Oakland County, after Droba suffered serious injuries during the Feb. 19, 2023 game at MSU's Munn Ice Arena in East Lansing.
The incident happened at 3:51 of the second period.
According to an American Collegiate Hockey Association game report, Crawford was given a heavy fine and misconduct during the game.
Droba suffered two compression fractures in her vertebrae and has persistent headaches, the lawsuit said. She has also suffered from nausea, dizziness, loss of balance, memory loss and reduced quality of life.
The case is assigned to U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker in Grand Rapids.
MSU is not a defendant. The university does not comment on lawsuits, a spokesperson said.
Such lawsuits are rare.
A handful of high-profile National Hockey League players have faced legal trouble over the years for on-ice behavior.
Traverse City attorney Bailor Bell, with the Fierberg National Law Group, which handles sports injury cases, is not involved in a lawsuit. He said lawsuits against athletic opponents are rare.
Plaintiffs must bear a heavy burden. They must show that the harm resulted from activities that go beyond the risks normally associated with the sport, he said.
The question is: can they demonstrate that the behavior exceeds the normal limits typically associated with the activity? Bel said.
Does this rise to the level of reckless behavior?
According to the lawsuit, MSU's Division II team hosted a club match with the Adrian Bulldogs.
Droba was near the Spartans' goal when Crawford skated across the ice and, without warning, recklessly and/or carelessly and violently struck (Droba) with the force of her entire body, causing Plaintiff to strike the ice surface with great force punched and lost consciousness, Drobas Northville's attorney, Michael Szparaga, wrote in the complaint.
Body checks are not allowed.
Defendant's body check was not attributable to participation in the ongoing athletics competition, as there was no play on the puck, and such an action is clearly and expressly outside the rules of the game.
Szparaga did not respond to a request for comment. A message seeking comment was also left with Crawford's Troy attorney, R. Michael John.
The lawsuit was initially filed in Ingham County Circuit Court and then moved to federal court at the defense's request.
John said in response to the lawsuit that Crawford and her teammates skated toward the puck and their own net because that's where the puck/play was. She does not know where exactly the plaintiff was while the defendant did so because she did not focus her attention on where the plaintiff was, John wrote.
He acknowledged that Droba fell to the ice after contact with Crawford, but said allegations that Crawford body-checked Droba and there was no play on the puck were inaccurate.
As to the claim that Defendant had a duty to conform her conduct to the normal limits of the activity, Defendant understands that phrase to mean that she must not engage in reckless misconduct as that phrase is defined in Michigan appellate law. If that is what the plaintiff means by using this phrase, then the defendant relents.
John said his client did not act outside the normal boundaries of women's hockey.
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