Rare follow-up call on the card, but the weather is threatening
![Rare follow-up call on the card, but the weather is threatening Rare follow-up call on the card, but the weather is threatening](
Australia confident of securing a result despite weather forecasts for the final two days of the Brisbane Test looking bleak
Australia are open to forcing the successor for a second time during Pat Cummins' captaincy, with Brisbane's miserable weather the main barrier to taking a 2-1 series lead.
Cummins' men are in a formidable position in the third NRMA Insurance Test against India, despite only a quarter of the overs being bowled on days one and three. With two days to play, India are still 195 runs away from passing the follow-on score of 246 after their top-order swung to 4-51 between showers on Monday in reply to the Aussies' 445.
“We have a few more cards than them,” Mitchell Starc told ABC radio after dismissing Yashasvi Jaiswal for the third time in four innings, while Shubman Gill also found himself in the gully.
“Tomorrow will determine what happens, if we can get the ball in the right areas and get some early ones. That obviously brings the extra card of the sequel.”
“The fantastic effort of the batters in the first innings also gives us that opportunity. If you score 450 and a team is four for 50, you hold all the cards. We certainly have the options there. It remains to be seen how it works out.” in that first session (of day four), I would say.”
The weather could be a spoilsport, with the Bureau of Meteorology predicting up to 30mm of rain on day four and up to 25mm more on day five.
“We have to take six wickets first,” Mitch Marsh told reporters on Monday when asked about what comes next. “But we know we have to take 20 wickets to try and win this Test match, and all the conversations and all the plans are going to be, 'How do we do that?'
“So hopefully the weather holds, and then tomorrow it's just about coming in, making a crack and seeing where we end up.
“We always ask about the (weather) radar and what's happening, (and with) two days to go, I think there's still plenty of time for a result.”
The uncertainty over the weather should encourage Cummins if Australia topple India cheaply in their first innings. If he sends the visitors back in, it would be the first time he has enforced the follow-on since the 2022-2023 SCG Test drawn against South Africa.
Tim Paine asking Pakistan to bat for the second time in a row in the 2019-20 Adelaide Test marks the only time in the past decade that the Australian men's team has won after forcing the follow-on.
This tactic has fallen out of fashion in recent times, although it is a statistical fallacy that Australia's famous loss after forcing the follow-on to the 2001 Kolkata Test stopped Steve Waugh's successors from doing it again.
Cummins had five chances to enforce the follow-on but only pulled the trigger in that South African Test, prioritizing rest for his bowlers between innings.
Steve Smith, who came in for Cummins in two Tests since the paceman took over, was given the opportunity to enforce the follow-on in both matches and declined on both occasions.
The six times Australia has opted not to enforce it since Cummins began his leadership term, they have only failed to win once; they drew in Karachi in 2022 when Pakistan batted 171.4 overs in the fourth innings.
“I think some commentators like to have days off so that's normally why they talk about it,” Cummins said during the 2022-23 Perth Test against the West Indies, when Australia won after rejecting the follow-up match.
“There are not many cases where the follow-up is realistic. You always bowl better when you are a little fresher. Day five is normally harder (to bat) than day three or four.”
NRMA Insurance Men's Test Series vs India
First test: India won by 295 runs
Second test: Australia won by 10 wickets
Third test: December 14-18: The Gabba, Brisbane, 11:20am AEDT
Fourth test: December 26-30: MCG, Melbourne, 10:30am AEDT
Fifth test: January 3-7: SCG, Sydney, 10:30am AEDT
Australian selection: Pat Cummins (c), Sean Abbott, Scott Boland, Alex Carey (wk), Brendan Doggett, Josh Hazlewood, Travis Head, Josh Inglis, Usman Khawaja, Marnus Labuschagne, Nathan Lyon, Mitch Marsh, Nathan McSweeney, Steve Smith, Mitchell Starc , Beau Webster
Indian selection: Rohit Sharma (c), Jasprit Bumrah (vc), Yashasvi Jaiswal, KL Rahul, Abhimanyu Easwaran, Devdutt Padikkal, Shubman Gill, Virat Kohli, Rishabh Pant, Sarfaraz Khan, Dhruv Jurel, Ravichandran Ashwin, Ravindra Jadeja, Mohammed Siraj, Akash Deep , Prasidh Krishna, Harshit Rana, Nitish Kumar Reddy, Washington Sundar. Reserves: Mukesh Kumar, Navdeep Saini, Khaleel Ahmed, Yash Dayal
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