Cricket New South Wales
It is a requirement for participation in any cricket match organized by member companies and associations of CNSW that players must be registered with the relevant association before the start of the match day. All cricket participants are required to use the General terms and conditions of player registration for cricket in New South Wales. Importantly, these terms require players to be registered with a club and/or association and to provide correct and accurate information upon registration. Any club or association using fill-in players must ensure that these players receive a copy of the Terms and Conditions so that they are aware of their obligations as a cricket participant.
It is the responsibility of the club or association to monitor fill-in players and ensure that they do not play multiple matches without participating in the registration process. Instances of fill-in players who have played multiple matches while unregistered and/or provided false information about their identity to enable playing as a fill-in player without completing the registration process are circumstances that are considered a threat to the integrity of the competition and that violate the integrity of the competition. General terms and conditions for player registration. From a risk management perspective, it is important that players register before playing cricket. Any Association notified may also choose to cancel or suspend player registration as permitted under the Terms and Conditions.
Cricket NSW may take specific action against players who are unregistered or play as substitutes too often based on the statutes:
- Player registration requirement: No player is eligible to participate in a cricket match unless he has registered with an affiliated company or association through the NSWCA's online registration system and paid the applicable fees. If a player is found to be unregistered, the Association of Cricket NSW has the authority to refuse or suspend his or her participation.
- Fill-in players: Fill-in players must register within 7 days of their first match. If a player plays a second or subsequent match without registering as a cricket participant, he may be required to show why he should not be excluded from further participation. In CNSW administered matches, fines or match point deductions may be imposed depending on the specific offense and at the discretion of Cricket NSW.
- Enforce registration: Cricket NSW reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse, suspend or cancel the registration of any player if there is any breach of the registration process, such as providing false information or breaching the Integrity Policy.
- Consequences for affiliates: If an affiliate knowingly allows unregistered players to participate in competitions, they may be fined, suspended or disqualified.
For CNSW-managed leagues (including where the association has a strategic or service partnership with CNSW), these leagues will be monitored for compliance and infringement notices issued to infringing clubs and individuals. In serious or repeated cases, competition points may be deducted and players may be denied future registration.
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