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'The Risk We Take' – He refereed a youth hockey game and his life changed forever

'The Risk We Take' – He refereed a youth hockey game and his life changed forever


“I didn't have enough time to get out of the way,” said Dean Robinson, who is now unable to work as a truck driver.

ST. LOUIS 5 On Your Side first reported in November about a local hockey referee who partially lost his sight after being hit by a stick during a game.

RELATED: A Missouri hockey referee may go blind in one eye after a “freak accident” at the rink

Now Dean Robinson can no longer work as a truck driver.

It wasn't until 5 On Your Side that Annie Krall heard from Robinson, speaking publicly for the first time, about the lasting impact of his devastating injury.

“I was sitting on the bench side of the rink where all the players sit and I was trying to hold my line,” Robinson said. “Then I started backing up.”

That was just two minutes into the Jr. Blues match of October 26th. The match between 15-year-olds would change Robinson's life as a pair of skaters looked for the puck.

“The kids came at me a little too fast,” Robinson said. “I didn't have enough time to get out of the way.”

Footage of the game obtained by 5 On Your Side vaguely shows a hockey stick hitting his face, causing Robinson to double over.

The St. Peters father was taken to two different hospitals by paramedics from the Centene Community Ice Center before undergoing a 3.5-hour eye surgery.

“I was just more aggravated by myself and what had happened than anything else,” Robinson said. “It was a shame. That's the risk we take when we go on the ice every game we officiate.”

A risk the Missouri Ice Hockey Officials Association (MIHOA) knows it all too well.

“It made you think,” said Joe Kalin, president of MIHOA. “A few guys I talked to said, 'I don't know if I want to keep doing this if something like this is going to happen to me.' I'm like, 'You gotta keep reffing.' It was quite emotional.”

Initially unsure whether he would be able to regain his vision, Robinson was told by ophthalmologists around Thanksgiving that he had a detached retina, exacerbated by too much nerve damage for further surgery.

Robinson has now lost all vision in his left eye.

Robinson said he has had to adapt to his reduced vision, with some everyday tasks presenting new hurdles.

“If you try to grab things, you'll be a few inches short.” Robinson said. “Other than that, it's really tough. It really is. I'm taking it every day, one day at a time, so to speak.”

Looking from behind the glass Monday, at the same NHL court where it happened, Robinson said he's grateful for the widespread support.

The nationwide hockey community and others raised more than $86,000 for his recovery.

“My wife has been a savior to me,” Robinson said. “My kids, Joe Kalin and my entire association and everyone who contributed to the GoFundMe page, it's just overwhelming.”

Monday was the first time Robinson had even skated recreationally.

If you would like to donate and support Robinson, here is a link to the GoFundMe.

From February 21-23, the DAWG Nation Winter Classic at Steinberg Skating Rink in Forest Park will play in part to help Robinson and his family.




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