New Zealand v Australia: First women's one-day international failed because it didn't happen | Australian women's cricket team
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The covers are on and, as I type, Mel Jones hair is being blown all over the place on the TV coverage. The weird thing is shes standing in a windowless room.
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Hello and welcome to live coverage of the Wellington weather radar. Yep, Im afraid the first ODI between New Zealand and Australia is at the mercy of a forecast that ranges from bad to worse.
This three-match series, between the T20 and ODI world champions, is a white-ball decider of sorts. New Zealand have home advantage, Australia have format advantage at least when the matches are 50 overs a side. If there is scope for a reduced game today, it probably helps New Zealand.
The trip across the Tasman is part of Australias preparation for the Ashes, which is less than a month away, and theyll want to continue an extraordinary ODI record against New Zealand. Since the beginning of the 2010s theyve won 31 of 34 completed matches.
They wont be able to field the XI they have in mind for the Ashes ODIs. Sophie Molineux is out of all three games with a knee injury, while the captain Alyssa Healys knee problem means she will play as a batter only. Beth Mooney is likely to fill in as wicketkeeper, with Georgia Voll who played spectacularly against India in her debut series likely to miss out to accommodate Healys return.
New Zealand will play their first cricket since the fairytale win at the T20 World Cup. Theres no time to bask in that glory, though, as they are in danger of missing out on automatic qualification for next years 50-over World Cup and need every ranking point they can get. Given their ODI record against Australia, even a 2-1 defeat might be a decent outcome. Thats if we get a result today.
The match starts at 9am AEDT. In theory
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Georgia Voll, 21, was added to the Australia squad for this tour after an outstanding debut series against India. She spoke to Martin Pegan on the eve of todays game.
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Important events
Leave the match
The referees have concluded, not unreasonably, that there is a 0.00 percent chance of playing today, so the match is over. The teams will be back for the second ODI on Saturday, when thankfully the forecast looks a little better. Until then.
Were due to those updates in a matter of minutes. No news at the moment, except that it is still raining.
The next update is scheduled for 11:30 AM AEDT, 1:30 PM local time. If the rain hasn't stopped by then, the referees will probably accept the inevitable.
Update The weather in Wellington remains quite bad: heavy rain and wild crosswinds. The last thing that can start the game is 1:38pm AEDT; I suspect it will be abandoned long before then.
The second and third ODIs are also in Wellington on Saturday and Monday. Fortunately, the weather forecasts are better, so we have to take action. But I'm not sure it will be today.
No progress, I'm afraid. With the caveat that I'm not a weatherman and have thought about it for about ten seconds, I estimate the chances of playing at less than five percent.
Raf Nicholson has named her women's team of the yearwith one player each from New Zealand and Australia.
The teams aren't even on the ground yetwhich tells you how far we are from seeing a cricket. I'll be honest: it doesn't look good.
Throwing postponed
The covers are up and as I type, Mel Jones' hair is blowing in all directions in the TV coverage. The strange thing is that she is standing in a room without windows.
'It's not a huge leap from the WBBL to international cricket'
Georgia Voll, 21, was added to the Australian squad for this tour after an excellent debut series against India. She spoke to Martin Pegan on the eve of today's match.
Hello and welcome to live Wellington weather radar coverage. Yes, I'm afraid the first ODI between New Zealand and Australia is at the mercy of predictions ranging from bad to worse.
This three-match series, between the T20 and ODI world champions, is a white-ball decider of sorts. New Zealand has home advantage, Australia at least has a format advantage if the matches last 50 overs per side. If there is room for reduced play today, it will probably help New Zealand.
The trip across the Tasman is part of Australia's preparation for the Ashes, which takes place in less than a month, and they will be looking to continue an extraordinary ODI record against New Zealand. Since the early 2010s, they have won 31 of 34 completed matches.
They won't be able to field the XI they have in mind for the Ashes ODIs. Sophie Molineux is out of all three matches with a knee injury, while captain Alyssa Healys' knee injury means she will only play as a hitter. Beth Mooney is likely to fill the wicketkeeper role while Georgia Voll, who played spectacularly against India in her debut series, is likely to miss out due to the return of Healys.
New Zealand will play their first cricket since their fairytale T20 World Cup victory. There is no time to bask in that glory, however, as they are in danger of missing out on automatic qualification for next year's 50-over World Cup and need every ranking point they can get. Considering their ODI record against Australia, even a 2-1 defeat could be a decent result. If we get a result today.
The match starts at 9am AEDT. In theory
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