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Fantasy Football: Backup RBs we might need to start in the playoff semifinals

Fantasy Football: Backup RBs we might need to start in the playoff semifinals


Running backs remain king in fantasy football. While it seems like there are more elite quarterbacks and wide receivers than ever before, the number of consistent, reliable running backs is dwindling. This makes it all the more important to find value in running backs in fantasy football. To help you with that, each week I'll take a look at a few backfields that stand out based on recent trends or new information we've learned.

The premise of this article will be the same as usual, but instead of examining teams as a whole, I'll focus on a few specific running backs that could be fantasy relevant for your semifinals (and finals). There were a lot of back injuries this past week, so I'll emphasize unexpected names you may need to start with in Week 16 and the confidence you should have in each option.

Star running back Alvin Kamara left Sunday's game with a groin injury in the second half and was later diagnosed with an adductor injury. The timetable for Kamara's return is unclear at this point, but if he were to miss, sophomore Kendre Miller would become a valuable fantasy asset. Miller received eight carries after Kamara left the game and played nearly all the snaps at running back, a sign that he would act as clock back when Kamara is out. Veteran Jamaal Williams is the No. 3 behind Miller, but he didn't register a carry or target even after Kamara's injury.

I would spend the rest of my FAAB budget on Miller this week, especially if I have Kamara. With Derek Carr, Chris Olave, Rashid Shaheed and Taysom Hill all injured, the Saints essentially have no choice but to play their running backs, giving Miller a fairly high fantasy floor. He's at the top of my priority list this week in terms of waivers if still available, and I could easily use him as a top-20 option if he's the starter.

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Spears had a huge fantasy day in Week 15, putting up 24.2 fantasy points en route to a top-five finish at the position. Finally, Spears showed the damage he can do through the air, with six catches for 87 yards and a score. He also made a picturesque touchdown jump from a yard out. Starter Tony Pollard had quite a fantasy day himself, running for 45 yards and a touchdown. However, the Pollard-Spears split looked a lot more like what we expected at the start of the season, with Pollard playing the early down and short-yardage back, while Spears handled the third down and passing work.

Pollard is clearly still the frontrunner in this offense, but I think Spears could move into FLEX territory in fantasy if Mason Rudolph remains the starter over Will Levis, who was benched on Sunday. The Titans have a fairly soft schedule over the next two weeks, playing the Colts and Jaguars, meaning Spears could expect more productive fantasy outings.

It's also worth noting that Pollard has recently been dealing with an ankle injury, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Titans ease his workload or shut him down now that their season is effectively over. In any case, Spears is worth picking up this week if he's still available, and I'd easily start him as a FLEX in PPR leagues.

Browns starting running back. Nick Chubb broke his foot against the Chiefs in Week 15, sidelining him for the remainder of the season. This paves the way for Jerome Ford to become a potential competition winner. Ford had a fairly efficient day after Chubb went down, with seven carries for 84 yards and a touchdown, although his stat line is heavily padded by a 62-yard score he broke off late in the fourth quarter.

Nevertheless, Ford will see double-digit percentage cuts the rest of the year, making him an important addition to waivers this week as the Browns play two relatively weak defensive lines (Cincinnati and Miami) over the next two weeks. Ford is also quietly one of the better running backs in the league. Like Miller, I would spend the rest of my loan forgiveness budget on him this week, if it was still available.

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Seemingly out of nowhere, Johnson has blossomed into a phenomenal pass catcher over the past two weeks. During this stretch, he has caught seven passes for 169 yards and a touchdown, giving him more fantasy points than receivers like Cooper Kupp, Zay Flowers and DK Metcalf.

Johnson hasn't been on the field much, making 21 offensive plays in both games, but has a knack for finding the right spot when Josh Allen starts to come out of the structure. I wouldn't say James Cook is in any danger of losing his starting role, but we could see Johnson continue to be more involved in the two-minute drill and other pure passing situations in the future.

The Bills play a terrible Patriots defense next week in a game that should be fruitful for all of the Bills offensive players. So I wouldn't mind starting Johnson as a FLEX player in deeper PPR leagues if you're looking for a replacement. I wouldn't consider him in standard or semi-PPR formats given how much he relies on passing work to produce fantasy points.

Guerendo is a bit more established than the other guys on this list, but his immediate relevance as a newcomer still certainly came as a surprise. Guerendo has been quite reliable in fantasy as a starter in San Francisco over the past two weeks. He has led the team by far in carries and snaps, and has fit seamlessly into the 49ers' explosive running game. Guerendo has also provided some value through the air, with six catches in two games. Overall, Guerendo has one of the higher floors among fantasy running backs, and I would continue to trust him as a top-15 option as the 49ers fight to keep their slim playoff hopes alive.




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