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Invitations confirmed for Mark Bates Ltd National Championships 2025

Invitations confirmed for Mark Bates Ltd National Championships 2025


There are no fewer than 24 senior national titles represented among the players automatically invited to the Mark Bates Ltd Senior National Championships.

The December rankings, which have been published herewere used to determine the top 16 senior men and senior women who will be invited to the flagship tournament at the David Ross Sports Village in Nottingham, from March 21-23, 2025. Tickets for the event will go on sale in the new year.

Defending champions Tin-Tin Ho and Paul Drinkhall are among them and Ho will aim for a record-equalling seventh Womens Singles title, having won her sixth last season. Table Tennis England President Jill Parker MBE is currently the record holder.

Ho is the only woman in the field to have won the blue belt singles title, while four invited athletes have a combined 18 men's singles titles.

Drinkhall won his seventh last season, moving him clear into second behind Des Douglas (11) in the all-time list. Liam Pitchford has six titles, Andrew Baggaley three and Tom Jarvis two.

The full lists are:

Male Female
1 Liam Pitchford 1 Tin-Tin Ho
2 Paul Drinkhal 2 Tianer you
3 Tom Jarvis 3 Mollie Patterson
4 Sam Walker 4 Jasmine Wong
5 David McBeath 5 Mari Baldwin
6 Chris Doran 6 Sophie Earley
7 Andrew Baggaley 7 Ella Pashley
8 Connor Green 8 Letitia McMullan
9 Shayan Siraj 9 Sienna Jetha
10 Larry Trumpauskas 10 Lauren Charles
11 Josh Bennett 11 Lok Ye Lo
12 Ralph Pattison 12 Anna Green
13 Sam Mabey 13 Erin Green
14 Felix Thomas 14 Lois Peake
15 Ismaila Akindiya 15 Rachel Iles
16 Louis Price 16 Bethany O'Connell

Many of those not in the top 16 will have the opportunity to join the elite Nationals through the qualifying tournament, which will take place the weekend of January 4-5 at the same venue.

A total of 14 men and 14 women will qualify for the Nationals proper, although more spots may be available if athletes in the top 16 decline their invitations. The Nationals field will be brought to a full 32 with the addition of two wild cards.

The qualifying tournament seedings will also be based on the just-published rankings. The draw will be confirmed in the week between Christmas and New Year.

What is the qualifying tournament format?

The event starts with group stages on Saturday, consisting of groups of 6-8 players depending on entries received, with 2 or 3 players from each group qualifying for the knockout stages on Sunday.

Progressive knockout matches on Sunday are for the final 32 players only and are played according to a final list. For example, players who lose in the last 16 play for places 9-16 and so on.

The top 14 players in both men's and women's singles at the tournament will qualify for the Mark Bates Ltd Senior National Championships at the same venue from Friday 21 March to Sunday 23 March.

Tickets for the Mark Bates Ltd Senior Nationals, which will also feature para lessons, will go on sale early this year with a pre-sale window for Table Tennis England members.




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