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'A good wife and a good home': Centenarian explains how he reached his milestone birthday

'A good wife and a good home': Centenarian explains how he reached his milestone birthday


Retired Canterbury farmer Ken Cookson has led an adventurous life for the past 100 years.

His wife Rhonda believes that outdoor living has helped her husband live to 100 and stay in good health.

Ken himself says he is lucky to be celebrating a centenary.

But Rhonda takes good care of him, he said.

I didn't think I would ever do that (live to be 100 years old), Ken said.

I am lucky to have a good wife and a good home.

In his younger years, Ken had many adventures in the South Island with his late older brother Allan.

These included the climb of Mount Troup in the vast and largely unspoilt Fiordland area around 1952 and many hunting trips in remote parts of the Canterbury highlands in the 1950s and 1960s.

He was a keen fisherman, a life member and patron of the Ashburton smallbore rifle club, a Mid Canterbury junior tennis and intermediate golf champion, and a representative rugby and table tennis player.

Today the couple live in their Aitken St home, which was built by Ken's parents in 1912.

Ken grew up in the architecturally designed villa and attended Ashburton Borough School and Ashburton High School, before working for Pyne Gould Guinness as a warehouse worker.

In 1944 he was called up for military service during World War II.

But the war soon ended, so after just a short spell at the Southern District School of Instruction in Burnham he returned to PGG, where he worked as a stock agent in Mayfield and Ashburton.

Although he enjoyed being a stock agent, he dreamed of owning a farm.

He achieved the goal when he was 32, purchasing a rough piece of dry land in Westerfield.

He introduced border dike irrigation and transformed the property into a productive mixed business.

He farmed there until he was 85.

Retiring to Ashburton he retained his interest in the outdoors, enjoying trips to the beech woods at Staveley and working on his extensive vegetable garden.

Ken celebrated his milestone on November 26 with family and friends.




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