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New IU football assistant coach deals include huge pay raises and bonus opportunities – The Daily Hoosier

New IU football assistant coach deals include huge pay raises and bonus opportunities – The Daily Hoosier


IU Football invests significantly in its assistant coaches.

Through a public records request, The daily hoosier obtained copies of the memorandums of understanding between Curt Cignetti's assistant coaches and IU, outlining their new deals signed earlier this month following Indiana's 11-1 season.

When the terms of Cignetti's new contract were released last month, we learned that the Hoosiers had committed $11 million per year for the football programs, field staff and support staff, which would be allocated at Cignetti's discretion. According to USA todayOhio State ($11.43 million) is the only known school whose assistant salary pool is higher than IU's new figure.

Here's what the latest data request reveals about how most of that massive pool will be allocated:

  • Defensive coordinator Bryant Haines: $1.8 million in 2025, $1.9 million in 2026, $2 million in 2027, plus $75,000 annual retention bonus, plus $150,000 if the team finishes in the top third of the Big Ten (one of the top six teams) with an average of least number of points allowed per year. game or fewest yards allowed per play
  • Offensive coordinator Mike Shanahan: $1.15 million in 2025, $1.2 million in 2026, $1.25 million in 2027, plus $50,000 annual retention bonus.
  • Offensive line coach Bob Bostad: $900,000 per year
  • Cornerbacks coach Rod Ojong: $650,000
  • Strength coach Derek Owings: $635,000
  • Defensive tackles coach Pat Kuntz: $625,000
  • Special teams/tight ends coach Grant Cain: $575,000
  • Safety coach Ola Adams: $550,000
  • Defensively ends Buddha Williams: $550,000
  • Running backs coach John Miller: $425,000

Haines earned $1.1 million under the terms of his original deal with IU. Shanahan received $800,000. They both signed a three-year contract. All coaches have faced significant pushback when signing two- or three-year contracts.

Haines and Shanahan earn a base salary of $450,000 per year, with the balance described as “external marketing and promotional income.” The other coaches will receive a base salary of $400,000 per year.

All coaches are also entitled to a bonus schedule based on their base salary and the number of games the team wins, along with appearances in major events such as the Big Ten Championship Game and the College Football Playoff.

The further the team progresses, the more each coach earns. Here is the bonus schedule:

  • A. If the team participates in a bowl game, the employee, if still employed at the time of the appearance, will receive 10% of his base salary.
  • B. If the team wins a total of nine (9) games over the course of one season, the employee, if still employed at the time of the ninth win, will receive 12% of his base salary.
  • C. If the team wins a total of ten (10) games over the course of one season, the employee, if still employed at the time of the tenth win, will receive 15% of his base salary.
  • D. If the team wins a total of eleven (11) games over the course of one season, the employee, if still employed at the time of the eleventh win, will receive 20% of his base salary.
  • E. For purposes of paragraph 5.01. B., C. and D. above, all regular season, Big Ten Championship and bowl games will be included in the calculation of total wins over the course of a single football season.
  • F. If the team participates in the Big Ten Championship Game, the employee, if still employed at the time of the championship game, will receive 20% of his base salary.
  • G. If the team wins the Big Ten Championship Game, the employee, if still employed at the time of the championship game, will receive 25% of his base salary.
  • H. If the team appears in the CFP, the employee, if still employed at the time of the game, will receive 30% of his base salary.
  • I. If the team advances to the second round of the CFP, the employee, if still employed at the time of the game, will receive 35% of his base salary.
  • J. If the team advances to the third round of CFP, the employee, if still employed at the time of the game, will receive 40% of his base salary.
  • K. If the team participates in the CFP National Championship game, the employee, if still employed at the time of the game, will receive 45% of his base salary.
  • L. If the team wins the CFP National Championship game, the employee, if still employed at the time of the game, will receive 50% of his base salary.

Each of the agreements also includes buyouts from the coaches if terminated, buyouts from IU if the coach leaves before the end of the term, and other customary terms.

For complete coverage of IU football, GO HERE.

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