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Seventy-five Years Ago – Pocahontas Times

Seventy-five Years Ago – Pocahontas Times


Thursday, December 29, 1949


For the National 4-H Club Congress

By Moffett McNeel, Jr.,

On Friday, November 25, I left Hillsboro, accompanied by Mr. McKenzie, of Princeton, who took his daughter Peggy to Morgantown, where we were to meet for the journey to Chicago.

We drove in cars from Morgantown to Connellsville, Pennsylvania, and caught the train there at 11:05 p.m.

We rode all night and the next morning I had my first new experience eating a meal on the train. We arrived in Chicago around 9am on Saturday. On Sunday we were free to go to the church of our choice. All residents of West Virginia attended the Chicago Temple (1st Methodist), the world's tallest and oldest church in Chicago…

Our club conference was held at the Stevens Hotel, one of the best in America. It has 3,000 rooms and is 25 stories high. Approximately 1,500 4-Hers, in addition to 300 guests and leaders, were present…

We got to see some of the best entertainment in the world including Jimmy Dorsey's Band, Gene Autry; James Melton with Julia Galbreath; Coleman Clark, world table tennis champion… We also saw some great people from the sports world, such as Ted Williams, Johnnie Lujac and Babe Didrickson Zaharias. Some of the interesting places we saw and visited were the Art Institute; Museum of Science and Industry; Marshall Field Department Store; Trianon room; Shedd Aquarium; First National Bank; the world's largest grain market; the Chicago Board of Trade; International Livestock Show; Chicago Tribune…

We came home on December 3rd convinced that the National 4-H Club Convention should be a real challenge for any 4-H youth. It was a real experience for me, and I am sure no one could attend or participate in such a program without being more convinced than ever of the true value of our 4-H program. I feel indebted to the people who made it possible for me to attend.


The invitation is extended by Rev. and Mrs. T. G. Alderman to the wedding of their daughter, Lucille Alderman and Staff Sergeant Billie L. Bryant, on January 1, 1950, at the Marlinton Methodist Church.

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Mr. and Mrs. Clark Baxter announce the marriage of their daughter, Betty Elizabeth, to Austin Barlow on August 30, 1949, at the Lewisburg parsonage.

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Mr. and Mrs. Charlie J. Taylor, of Dunmore, announce the marriage of their daughter, Zula Gay, to Marvin Lee Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy W. Taylor, also of Dunmore.


Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ledford McCarty, a daughter, Ellen Marilyn.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brock, a daughter, Brenda Lee.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lee McLaughlin, a son.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nottingham, a son, Kenneth Carl.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malcomb, a daughter, Paula Ann.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joyce, of Bluefield, Virginia, a son, Charles Edward. Mrs. Joyce is the former Miss Ressie Hill.


Mrs. Mary Linda Plyler Moore, age 41, of Cass, died Friday, December 23, 1949. The funeral was held from the Brethren Church near Durbin and burial was in the Hosterman Cemetery. She is survived by her husband and six children, William, Eugene, Jack, Douglas, Ernestine and Maxine.

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Moses Underwood, aged approximately 72 years, died Sunday evening, December 25, 1949, in his sleep at his home on Beaver Creek. The deceased is survived by his eight children. He was a son of the late Wesley and Catherine Moore Underwood. Funeral arrangements are not complete at this time.

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Jack N. Fleshman, age 29, and his wife, Retha Roxana Fleshman, age 28, of Anjean, were fatally injured in an automobile accident in Cedar Grove on December 18, 1949. They were on their way to visit and take home Christmas presents. to their nine-year-old daughter Joan. The little girl is a polio patient at Marmet Hospital. Mr. Fleshman was born in Clover Lick, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fleshman. He attended Marlinton High School…

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Alva Brant Carpenter died on Friday, December 9, 1949. On December 5, 1936 he married Ruby Carpenter. Three children were born from this marriage: Roy, Caroline and Tommy. The funeral service was held at the Methodist Church and burial was in the Dunmore Cemetery.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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