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Fall season overview: women's tennis

Fall season overview: women's tennis


RIO GRANDE VALLEY WhenWest Nott,head coach of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) women's tennis team, reflects on his team's fall season. He believes one word sums up the effort perfectly.

“The word that comes to mind to describe the fall season is consistent,” Nott said. “The practices and performances were consistent throughout the season. We had a great fall building team chemistry on the practice courts and on the road. We learned a lot about the team and what each player is capable of. I was very happy with the energy every day of our very hardworking and dedicated group.”

The team was fairly new when the 2024-2025 season started, with three transfer student-athletes and two freshmen. Nott praised his returnees, includingYaiza Vazquez, Valentina UrracoAnd Giuliana Castelain for showing their new teammates the ropes and helping them adapt quickly.

“Our upperclassmen did a great job of making the newcomers feel welcome and it allowed us to hit the ground running. They felt accepted for who they are and we were able to just relax and play tennis,” Nott said . “The upper class people set the tone in practicing their habits, hustling, scratching and clawing at every exercise, and the rest jumped in too.”

Nott was confident the team's chemistry would develop quickly after watching them at a free youth tennis clinic in Harlingen. UTRGV has made community service a core part of its program, and the newcomers immediately bought in and learned not only from their new teammates, but also from their new supporters and fans. “If the team has people with great character, the sky is the limit,” Nott said.

As the season progressed and the games piled up, consistency in training, mentality and competition led to better results. SophomoreHitakamaya NarwhalAndMadeline Joffe,both transfers from Div. I-Programs were especially impressive in their first season as Vaqueros.

Narwal went 3-2 in singles and was selected to represent UTRGV in the first-ever Southland Conference (SLC) Individual Tennis Championships. She played doubles with Vazquez, and although they lost in the first round, they competed well against one of the top-ranked duos in the new conference. Joffe shined in her Vaqueros debut, winning 3-0 in singles at the fall opener Javelina Jam. She finished the fall season 6-3 and showed her high potential.

“Our newcomers have exceeded our expectations with their play. They all have unique skills that other teams find difficult to prepare for and they understand what it takes to win,” Nott said.

The Vaqueros focused on improving physical strength and competitive strength in the fall. It was encouraging to see how the team responded to difficult situations and gave their best every day in training.

“We set a goal for the entire team to be tough to beat, force our opponents into mistakes and be ready to go the distance with long points and gritty tennis,” Nott said. “They all embraced our message and then went above and beyond. I give them a lot of credit for the hard work they put in and any progress we would provide. If we continue to work hard and don't become complacent, stay consistent. We will be a very special team.”

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