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Year in review: Tennis is the best investment

Year in review: Tennis is the best investment


As 2024 comes to a close, it is clear that tennis remains one of the best investments for individuals, communities and the state of Florida. Through advocacy, facility management, data-driven insights and community impact, USTA Florida aims to ensure the sport can thrive for generations to come.

Advocating for tennis in Florida

USTA Florida's advocacy efforts are focused on making tennis accessible and sustainable throughout the Sunshine State. At the end of this year, the organization formally launched its Advocacy Program, which will work to activate our community to champion our sport within their local communities, to keep the sport vibrant and growing in the state.

This includes working with local governments to improve facilities, expanding programming for juniors and adults, and supporting adaptive tennis programs for those with special needs. Visit for more information

The release of the first Florida State Tennis Report this year marked an important milestone in our advocacy journey. For the first time, USTA Florida has collected comprehensive data on Florida's tennis ecosystem, providing insights into player demographics, facility distribution and program participation. With this information, the organization can better advocate for investments in tennis courts, programs and coaches to meet growing demand.

Florida's booming population further demonstrates the need for tennis advocacy. The state is home to four of the five fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country, and counties like Pasco, Lake and Manatee are experiencing rapid development. These fast-growing areas provide opportunities to expand tennis infrastructure and introduce the sport to new communities.

The impact tennis has on Florida

Florida remains a leader in tennis participation, with approximately 1.7 million people actively playing the sport or showing an interest in the sport. In 2023, more than 1,029 junior tournaments were held statewide, demonstrating that Florida is a powerhouse in competitive tennis. South and Central Florida dominated tournament play, while the panhandle excelled in junior team tennis.

Adult tennis programs also continue to thrive, thanks to innovative competition formats and strong participation in entry-level programs. Facilities like the Roger Scott Tennis Center in Pensacola are home to more adult competitive teams than any other venue in the state.

Adaptive tennis programs have also seen steady growth, thanks to partnerships with organizations like Love Serving Autism and Special Olympics Florida. In 2023, adaptive tennis served more than 500 participants at 24 locations.

Tennis is more than just a game; it is also an economic engine for Florida. From local tournaments to large-scale events, tennis generates significant income for communities through tourism, facility use and job creation.

By 2023, 1,134 sanctioned The tournaments attracted 92,456 participants and 160,325 spectators, generating an impressive $81.8 million in direct spending. These expenditures translated into a total economic impact of $145.9 million, supporting 1,007 full- and part-time jobs and contributing $11.4 million in state and local taxes.

USTA Florida revealed this information and more in her inaugural economic impact reportdemonstrating how important tennis is to growing Floridas economic vitality.

The impact of investing in public facilities

USTA Florida also continues to work with local municipalities to manage four tennis facilities: Riverside Racquet Complex, Racquet Club of Cocoa Beach, Play Tennis Gainesville and Fort Walton Beach Tennis Center. These facilities are hubs not only for recreational play, but also for leagues, tournaments and community programs.

Each facility is an example of how strategic management can maximize the value of a community tennis center. Programs such as beginner clinics, adaptive tennis and youth leagues have grown significantly at these locations, fostering a sense of belonging among players of all ages and levels.

For example, Play Tennis Gainesville has seen notable growth in beginner programs, while the Fort Walton Beach Tennis Center leads in junior team tennis participation. These facilities demonstrate that investing in public tennis centers pays off in terms of player engagement and community development.

Overcoming challenges and building the future

Despite its many successes, Florida tennis faces challenges, especially in the areas of coaching and infrastructure. The need for more certified coaches remains an urgent problem. Through our Community Coach Program, USTA Florida has trained more than 500 coaches since 2022, focusing on certification pathways and community-based programming.

Infrastructure remains another challenge. With nearly 11,000 courts spread across 1,600 facilities, Florida has a robust tennis infrastructure, but it is unevenly distributed. Fast-growing areas such as Pasco, Lake and Osceola counties are experiencing increased demand for courts, underscoring the need for strategic investments in new facilities.

Why tennis is the best investment

Tennis offers unparalleled benefits, from promoting physical and mental health to fostering social connections and community involvement. For individuals, it is a lifelong sport that encourages fitness, discipline and camaraderie. For communities, it is a unifying activity that stimulates economic growth and improves the quality of life.

USTA Florida strives to make tennis accessible to everyone. Whether through advocacy, facility management or program innovation, USTA Florida is committed to transforming lives and strengthening communities through tennis advocacy.

It's clear that tennis isn't just a game, it's an investment in a better future for Florida. Why not get started now and help grow the sport we love into the best it has ever been.




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