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Cricket News 2025: Mark Taylor on the report of dual test system talks

Cricket News 2025: Mark Taylor on the report of dual test system talks


Mark Taylor says he is in favor of the introduction of a two-tiered testing system based on promotion and relegation, after it was reported that talks would be held over a possible overhaul of the game's structure.

The former Australian captain also says the International Cricket Council (ICC) must do more to support financially weaker playing nations as the competitiveness gap widens.

Daniel Brettig of The Age reported this on Monday that Cricket Australia, the England Cricket Board and the new ICC chairman, powerful Indian cricket chief Jay Shah, would meet this month and that the concept of a two-tiered Test structure was firmly on the agenda.

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There is a strong appetite at the top levels of cricket for the “big three” Australia, England and India to meet more often in Tests, Brettig noted.

“That's something that's been talked about for a number of years, that same topic, and I'm certainly not against it,” Taylor told Wide World of Sports.

Ravi Shastri (left) and Mark Taylor pictured with the Border-Gavaskar Trophy ahead of the 2024-2025 Sydney Test.

Ravi Shastri and Mark Taylor pictured with the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. Getty

“In a way, that's almost what we have now. If you look at the World Test Championship [WTC] Finally, Australia has to face South Africa, and the way they got there is by having Australia win the battle against India and England, and South Africa has won the battle against many other countries.

“So in a sense, South Africa is the winner of one side of the draw and Australia is the winner of the other side of the draw.

“I'm sure it wasn't planned that way, but in a sense that's what happened… If that's the way it's going to be, I'm in favor of the idea, provided all the bigger test nations do their utmost . to continue developing the less financially supported countries.

“How many Test matches have we played against Bangladesh in the last six years? … I can't remember the last time we played against Zimbabwe … It [introducing a two-tier system] is almost formalizing what's happening now.”

Australia will defend its World Test Championship title in the final against South Africa at Lord's in June.

The Australians have met England, Pakistan, West Indies, New Zealand and India in the ongoing WTC cycle, and will now play Sri Lanka in a two-Test series this month and next.

South Africa clashed with India, New Zealand, the West Indies, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan in this cycle, which stretches from 2023-2025.

Ireland, Zimbabwe and Afghanistan have not yet been included in a WTC cycle due to their low rankings.

“If there is one [two-tier] system that can be developed that actually formalizes and plans how exactly it's going to happen, then you have countries that can aim to finish in the top two of the bottom pool, if you want to put it that way, to make it to the top pool ,” Taylor said.

“… What I see about the two-tier system is that you have to have promotion and relegation… It could be the top six and the next six and you have one up and one down, or two up and two down So at the end of the World Test Championship cycle, if you've finished fifth or sixth, you go down and the other two come up, and you keep the pressure on people to want to be in that top tier.

“And of course there will also have to be financial support for those countries. So I would like to see some money being funneled out of some of these ICC events. [and] more heavily weighted towards longer formats of the game in these countries.”

Australia celebrates regaining the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.

Australia celebrates regaining the Border-Gavaskar Trophy in the 2024-25 SCG Test.Getty

Any plan to split Test cricket into two divisions would come into effect after the current Future Tours program in 2027.

Former England captain Michael Vaughan is a strong supporter of the move to a two-tier structure.

“…I believe it [Test cricket] is a four-day product with a fixed number of overs per day, a minimum of three matches per series and two divisions of six, including promotion and relegation.” Vaughan wrote in a column for The Sydney Morning Herald.

“…I've been saying for a long time that this is the way to keep Test cricket relevant by ensuring the best play as often as possible, and we get fewer mismatches.”




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