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Novak Djokovic 'months' out as Jannik Sinner Announcement Saddens fans after Aus Open

Novak Djokovic 'months' out as Jannik Sinner Announcement Saddens fans after Aus Open



Novak Djokovic is said to be opposed to two months tennis because of the Hamstring injury he sustained on the Australian OpenAnd may not play anymore until the French open. Djokovic was stuck from the court after he had hit Alexander Zverev in the semi -final in Melbourne, who came after he had torn his hamstring against Carlos Alcaraz in the quarters.

Chris Fowler from ESPN reported on Wednesday that Djokovic's injury could see him missing for a few months, which would come to him from the ATP 1000 events in Indian Wells, Miami and Monte Carlo. It comes after Djokovic posted a screenshot of a scan that showed “a pretty deep tear”, according to Fowler.

Novak Djokovic, Alexander Zverev and Jannik Sinner.Novak Djokovic, Alexander Zverev and Jannik Sinner.

Novak Djokovic (L) is said to be confronted on the sidelines for months, while Jannik Sinner (r) will not defend his title in Rotterdam. Image: Getty

That is in the deepest part of the hamstring and the hamstring is a problem because it is a big muscle, “Fowler said.” It is deep in it, it is difficult to treat it well. The hamstring has no large blood flow, so it's more difficult to treat it than some other muscles. You can't hurry, you have to be sure before you go back. Usually when you look at such injuries in the sport, you look at a few months.

Fowler said it would not surprise if Djokovic no longer plays until the French open because he has reduced his schedule in recent years. After his Australian Open -Exit, Djokovic marked that he might play fewer tournaments in 2025 and priorities the Majors.

Anyway, it means that it is set for a ranking and could find himself from the top 10 by the time the next Grand Slam starts. He did not play Miami last year, but will drop the points he earned in Indian Wells (Tour of 32) and Monte Carlo (semi-final).

Meabn Wersen, fans express their disappointment – but understanding – afterwards Australian Open Champ Jannik Sinner Announced that he will not defend his title on the Rotterdam Open next week. Sinner won back-to-back Australian Open Crowns And his third career Grand Slam after the thrashing of Zverev in the final of Sunday evening in Melbourne.

Speculation changed immediately to when Italian could play again, and many thought he would occur next week in the ATP 500 event in Rotterdam, because he is the defending defender after beating Alex de Minauraur in last year's final. But the world No. 1 announced that he has withdrawn from the event and has to rest after his debilitating Australian Open campaign.

“After consulting my team, we had to make the difficult decision to withdraw from the ABN Amro open,” Sinner said in a statement on the website of the tournament. “My body needs time to rest after the long term in Australia. I have great memories of winning the title for great crowds at Rotterdam Ahoy last year and hope to be back there soon.”

Jannik Sinner with the Australian Open title.Jannik Sinner with the Australian Open title.

Jannik Sinner won his third Grand Slam and Second Australian Open title. (Photo by Chu Chen/Xinhua via Getty Images)

The withdrawal of Sinner means that he will drop 500 ranking points, but it doesn't matter. His Australian Open Triumph saw him widening the gap to World No.2 Zverev with a stunning 3700 points, and is now at 11,830 at the front compared to Zverev's 8135 and Alcaraz at 7010.

Grigor Dimitrov is also from Rotterdam after an injury in Australia, while World No.3 Alcaraz is now the best seed. Big Guns Daniil Medvedev and the Minaur will play, with the Aussie in the hope of going better than his second place to Sinner in 2024.

Although tennis fans have expressed their understanding that Sinner needs a break, there was still sadness and disappointment when he announced his withdrawal. Fans do not know what the future has in store for Sinner, with the world no.1 a Potential suspension of two years hanging above his head.

The World Anti-Doping Agency appealed against the decision of the International Tennis Federation not to prohibit him after he tested positively positively last March to ban Steroid Clostebol. Sinner will face the Court of Arbitration for Sport in April, where WADA is insisting on a ban on two years, despite the fact that he is not deliberately dope.

Wada believes that Sinner was partially negligent because his physio applied the steroid on his own finger before he massaged the world no. 1 without gloves. Many believe that professional athletes have the obligation to ensure that everyone in their team meets the rules and knows exactly what they can and cannot in their possession.


The decision of the Italian star to withdraw from Rotterdam comes after he has a regarding health fear at the Australian Open. Coach Darren Cahill revealed on Tuesday that Sinner was lucky to survive against Holger Rune in the fourth round while he was visibly struck by illness.

Cahill revealed that Sinner was white as sheet and really crook before and during the competition before recovering in the days that followed to win the title. Cahill rejected suggestions that the Sinner had recently had pneumonia and said that a bug had implemented their entire team.




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