Women's Tennis takes the first victory against Buckknell, men's tennis swept by Drexel and Delaware – De Villanovan

During the weekend, the men's tennis teams and the ladies were confronted uphill in their respective competitions. The ladies team lost 0-7 to the University of Delaware on Friday before turning things around with a 4-1 victory against Buckknell. The men's team fell in both competitions and went on Saturday with 0-7 against Drexel and 0-4 against Delaware on Sunday.
In the third and fourth competitions of the winter and spring season, the ladies team confronted with some major setbacks with injuries and diseases of his best players, including second -year Miriam Gondorova, second -year Lauren Monti and Senior Emma Brogan. All these losses and the transition to Binnenhoven with a higher ball rate took the team time to get used to it, with 0-7 in the first three competitions against Penn State, Penn and Delaware.
It was a tough start, said head coach Steve cleaner. Delaware is a good school and I knew it would be a tough match. We had to be 100% and everyone who played his best for us to get a chance and that didn't happen. But they played well.
Despite the loss, some clear places came on Friday of second -year Jenna Stevens and graduated student Sophia Edwards. The duo was the only two with three-set singles matches in the team.
The Wildcats wore these small victories and the momentum in Saturday against Buckknell, when they finally started to see some progress in Doubles and Singles and both categories. For Doubles, the duo of Junior Maggie Gehrig and first-year student Olivia Corcoran was successful in second place when they won a 6-4 victory, while second-year student Maddie Hills and Stevens also earned the Wildcats a point, won 6-4, 6-4, .
I thought Maddie Hills played her best match in Doubles, says cleaner. She returned and served very well. I also thought Maggie Gehrig played her best match, so that was useful. We needed the double points. That was big. I thought we were the stronger team.
Regarding Singles, the biggest striking for Villanova, Edwards was the assignment to take on the toughest player of the Bisons, Whitney King. Although Edwards King got in two sets, the first set ended at 7-5, and in the second set, King forced a tiebreaker who conquered Edwards with 7-6.
As a graduate transfer from the Boston College, Edwards moved to one of the top spots on Villanovas selection while becoming a leader in the team.
[Edwards] Is a great addition and a great teammate, said cleaner. She certainly represents Villanova perfectly on the field. She has a lot of sportiness and is a pleasure to have in the team.
For the men's team this weekend opener was also confronted with a struggle to earn points.
On Saturday, in the first competition against Drexel, the wildcats could not be able to grab doubles or singles. When it came to doubles, the only team that came close to a victory Junior Cooper Gordon and second-year Kush Anand who forced a tie-screaker but fell, 7-6 (7-2).
In Singles, Gordon remained one of Villanovas only highlights of the day, because he was closing to Dragon Alex de Sousa in the third set, with 6-0, 4-6 and 7-5 in his game. The only other Wildcat who made three sets in their singles match was senior Trey Fourticq who, after dropping the first set, 6-1, returned to the second 6-3 before forced a tie-graker in the third set, Just lose, 10-7.
The same story took place the next day against Delaware, where the wildcats were unable to surpass one of the blue chickens in doubles or singles. In Doubles, Gordon and Anand could not find the rhythm of the previous day and were wiped 6-0 at the number 1 place, while second-year student Will Monahan and first-year Quincy Jones fell 6-1. In Singles, half of the competitions did not go off when Delaware flew in the top three places through Cooper, Monahan and second -year Thomas Wakefield.
Next Sunday, February 2, Domestennis will go to Bethlehem, PA to go against Lehigh at 10 am, what for the men's team, they have two weeks off before they confronted PA with Brigham Young University on Friday 7 February in Bethlehem. at 10 am and Marine on February 8 in Annapolis, MD at 1 pm
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